Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sam Harris: Over His Head

Sam Harris:

”Choice, reasoning, discipline, etc., play important roles in our lives despite the fact that they are determined by prior causes…”

Does no Atheist see the internal contradiction within this single position statement?


  1. I admit that I was way off on Harris' new book which was published in March. I thought that, you know just because he is a celebrity new atheist, the book would make a splash. Yet, as far as I can tell, it has not even made a ripple.

  2. Vox demonstrates the contradiction between Harris's two books, the First, "the End of Faith", claims that beliefs and actions are the same thing, and "Some propositions are so dangerous that it may even be ethical to kill people for believing them."

    Then in his current book, he claims that no one is responsible for his own actions because free will is an illusion, and the decisions are all made in advance by our deterministic brains, and then we are notified of what the decisions actually were.

    Harris is clueless.

  3. The link to Vox didn't take:


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