Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Abortion and Blacks

A while back I posted about the position of Dr ALveda King, concerning the focus of abortion providers on blacks. Now black leaders are coming together, and are focusing on the issue that I outlined: the outrageous imbalance of killed black babies by abortion providers led by Sanger's Planned Parenthood.

My comments received some "issues" concerning the relationship of Margaret Sanger and eugenics to the US population of blacks. However, Sanger made her position and objectives clear. She engaged in illegal abortion. She created her Negro Project. She founded Planned Parenthood, a mal-named entity bent not on planning, but on reversing live pregnancies. After Roe v. Wade, Sanger's Planned Parenthood took off like a rocket, using tax dollars, and remaining largely unsupervised in its activities. But is Sanger in any way responsible for the current morass in which the black community finds itself?

Sanger made two points. First, "benevolence" is detrimental to an unwanted population, keeping it alive and keeping it subdued. Second, controlling the birth rate of unwanted populations is essential in order to keep the dominant population from being overrun by the undesirable population. She advanced to abortion when she ran an illegal abortion clinic. After Sanger founded Planned Parenthood and Roe v Wade legalized abortion, Planned Parenthood became the world's leading provider of abortions, supported by US Tax dollars. The situation for blacks now is described by the following data from US Gov't sources:

White on welfare: 48.3% (% of total U.S.population: 75.1%)
Blacks on welfare: 43.2% (% of total U.S.population: 12.3%)
Other on welfare: 8.4%.

Aborting Blacks:
The following data is from the US CDC and US Census:

_______% of Abortions___% of Population

The following excerpt is from an article in the New York Times. The emphasis is added by me.

When aborting the fetus of a rape victim,

"Dr. Wicklund describes her horror when she aborted the pregnancy of a woman who had been raped, only to discover, by examining the removed tissue, that the pregnancy was further along than she or the woman had thought — and that she had destroyed an embryo the woman and her husband had conceived together.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, about a quarter of pregnancies in the United States end in abortion.
One question Dr. Wicklund hears “all the time,” she said, is how she can focus on abortion rather than on something more rewarding, like delivering babies.

“In fact, the women are so grateful,” Dr. Wicklund said in the interview. “Women are so grateful to know they can get through this safely, that they can still get pregnant again.

“It is one of the few areas of medicine where you are not working with a sick person, you are doing something for them that gives them back their life, their control,” she added. “It’s a very rewarding thing to be part of that.”

If by regained "control", Dr Wicklund means the restored ability to conceive unwanted children, only to be aborted again, then she is a success.

Previous abortions (CDC)
3 or more:__7.5%

She is involved in the prevention of the development of live fetuses to the birth of live children, not in the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. Abortion is clearly a birth control technique. It rewards the irresponsible with relief from the consequences of irresponsible sex.

Moreover it is now clear that Planned Parenthood cheerfully pursues the elimination of blacks. Lila Rose, editor of the pro-life UCLA student magazine, "Advocate", did undercover investigations into Planned Parenthood, finding both a wilingness to abort juveniles and protect their adult "boyfriends", and to accept donations toward aborting black babies.

The Texas-based pro-life group Life Dynamics previously conducted an extensive undercover project in which an adult volunteer posing as a 13-year-old called every Planned Parenthood clinic in the U.S., saying she was pregnant by a 22-year-old boyfriend. Almost without exception, the clinics advised her to obtain an abortion without her parents' knowledge and told her how to protect her boyfriend, who would be guilty in any state of statutory rape. (World Net Daily)

Abortion ratio, unmarried to married (CDC): 8.8:1 (89.8% unmarried)

teen abortions per 1000 population (CDC): 171 (17.1%)

Unmarried sex and teenage sex are now considered rights without responsibilities, with the death of the emergent human as acceptable collateral damage.

Who benefits from abortion? Planned Parenthood currently gets $338 Million (over third of a billion $) in tax dollars alone. The illegal aspects including baby body parts trafficking and child rapist protection are ignored by the same Feds that ship the millions of dollars to the abortion industry.

Once an immoral practice is codified, all the necessary immoral support practices are justified along with it. It is like tooth decay; if it is not removed, the entire tooth will be consumed.

Monday, April 7, 2008

One Extra Nail... the "mutation" coffin. Sorry, I can't resist this one. It is an official publication of The National Academy of Sciences in conjunction with the Institute of Medicine, called, "Science, Evolution, and Creationism". This booklet of 54 pages is directed at those who instruct the sciences and are confronted with issues concerning evolution and its validity. It correctly defines science, and it correctly states the inability of science to deal with religious topics. And it defines evolution, pg 4:

"In addition [to normal gene combination by two parents], DNA can undergo changes known as mutations from one generation to the next, both in sexually reproducing and asexually reproducing organisms (such as bacteria).

When a mutation occurs in the DNA of an organism, several things can happen. The mutation may result in an altered trait that harms the organism, making it less likely to survive or produce offspring than other organisms in the population to which it belongs. Another possibility is that the mutation makes no difference to the well-being or reproductive success of an organism. Or the new mutation may result in a trait that enables an organism to take better advantage of the resources in its environment, thereby enhancing its ability to survive and produce offspring"

and then, pg 5:

"The differential reproductive success of organisms with advantageous traits is known as natural selection because nature "selects" traits that enhance the ability of organisms to survive and reproduce".

Other than the questionable statement that "nature 'selects' traits", the official position on what causes evolution is clear: mutation and selection.

Interestingly the booklet gives a loose definition of microevolution, and then proceeds to extrapolate all evolution from that, with no mention of any concept of macroevolution. And interestingly, all references to evolutionary examples are presented as fact, not as falsifiable propositions.

But the purpose here is to conclude the argument concerning whether the theory of evolution does or does not require mutation as a prerequisite, necessary but not sufficient condition.

It does.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Another Voice in the Wilderness

In a 1922 book called "The Pivot of Civilization", Margaret Sanger wrote that feeblemindedness and poverty of women besieged by large families should be fought by birth control, enforced as necessary. Sanger ultimately came to the same conclusion about racial minorities, which she saw to be growing too rapidly, and needing to have their populations controlled. She was an advocate of a movement started by Francis Galton, a cousin to Charles Darwin. The movement was called "eugenics"; it's early focus was on population control and stemming the tide of undesirable segments of the population. These included the feebleminded, the chronically poor, and certain non-Aryan races.

In the early 20th century, several states including California implemented state-enforced eugenic population control upon feebleminded individuals, requiring and implementing forced sterilizations.

Meanwhile, Sanger expanded from birth control to include abortion for containing the populations of undesirables, and ultimately founded Planned Parenthood. In 1939, Sanger developed the "Negro Project". It was designed specifically for the control of the black population. Incredibly, she convinced many black leaders that it would increase the prosperity and well-being of blacks, if they eliminated many of their offspring.

Since Roe v. Wade, a decision brought to a somnolent America in 1973, Sanger's Planned Parenthood has become the largest abortion organization in the world. It is subsidized with taxpayer's dollars.

All in all, abortion in the USA has killed over 50 million humans, since Roe v. Wade.

Importantly, blacks account for a much larger abortion rate than other categories. Blacks have long been targeted by Planned Parenthood.

In 1999, a march on Washington by predominately blacks and black clerics marched on the Supreme Court in a "Say So" protest. Led by the Rev. J.M.Hunter, they protested black eugenics by abortion. Not much changed afterward.

Now an visible and important voice from the black community is raised against the eugenic massacre of blacks in embryonic form. Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, has taken a stand against the eugenics of the left, being waged on blacks. On the 40th anniversary of Martin Luther King's death, Dr Alveda King addressed a crowd in downtown Memphis, relating the destruction in her life due to abortions she received, and said,

"There are people dying in this country, everyday," she said, focusing on a the plight of a different set of powerless people. "They are unborn children."

"The fight against abortion is a new frontier in the civil rights movement," she said, according to an article in the Mississippi Daily Journal.

King also noted that black leaders had swapped support for abortion to liberals for their return support for civil rights. Some black leaders still support abortion.

Abortion is a tactic for eugenics. It targets those who are despised by the elite providers, those thought to be in the way or nonproductive or too fecund. Those who are vulnerable are given an experience that can only be called abuse - Dr King testifies to that. Abortion is the product of a worldview of eliteness that devalues other humans.

Is it too much to feel that abortion is a precursor to worse things to come? Anyone familiar with bioethicist Peter Singer knows better. Singer advocates post-natal abortion for certain qualities that he designates as non-useful. In fact, if any human is not productive in a fashion suitable to Singer, that person is dead weight, suitable for pruning. Singer also advocates animal rights, actually more rights for animals than for human infants because animals are more useful than infants. Moreover, Singer advocates sex with other animals, at least primates are suitable in his opinion.

If you think that won't happen, then consider the "animal brothels", that are now available in some euro-countries, where one can choose an animal to have sex with. The descent from absolute morality into the morass of a secular wilderness is not pretty.

I wish Dr. King success in having her voice heard in this modern wilderness.