Saturday, March 12, 2011

Atheists For Islam

From which we can conclude that these Atheists are male self-involved misogynists, Sharia flavored totalitarians, anti-Semites, anti-Christian, pro-slavery, pro-jihad in one form or another – or they are totally ignorant of what they support, and they support it out of hatred for Christianity. Or both of those.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sparse Posts: Why.

I haven't had much time to devote to posting for the past few days, because of my involvement with bringing three mentoring services into our community. I have been functioning as a community organizer (not the Alinsky / Obama rabble rouser type) in bringing attention to mentoring for recent parolees, currently incarcerated, and children of the incarcerated, and to implementing these services in our community. No one else was doing it, so I have to.

The intent is to work one-on-one with those whose decision processes are suboptimal to the point that their decisions were damaging to themselves, their families and their community. Those who are released from incarceration tend to return to their previous environment and network of friends who also make defective decisions, and wind up making the same bad decisions again, with the same bad results. The recidivism rate for these individuals is 60% to 80%, and is the primary cause for the prison crowding we now have. One-on-one mentoring has been shown to produce better citizens and reduce recidivism; it is a win-win for the individual and the community.

These three mentoring groups already exist in the larger city not too far away. My intent is to import and extend these groups into our community and its county jail, as well for parolees from the Department of Corrections who are re-entering the community. Representatives from each of these three groups will be here this Sunday for a public meeting to kick off the effort and hopefully gain some citizen support.

It's been a lot of work getting the word out, especially with a reluctant local newspaper which is currently entirely focused on persecuting mayor and chief of police, another story for another day perhaps.

For now, though, posting will be sparse until I get this either going or buried.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Drug Laws Ruin Lives

My friend is a trucker, cross country, long hauls. Four months ago he was pulled over for some minor traffic violation, agreed to a search, and the cops found drugs. Prescription drugs in one of those 7-day rectangular pill cases, labeled Sunday, Monday… His wife had loaded the pill case with his prescription drugs – he has diabetes and a couple of other problems – but the prescription bottles were at home, several states away. The cops did a “drug bust” on him, put him jail, took away his license, and finally released him with his license fully suspended. Four months to a court date. Meanwhile, his employer fired him due to his “drug” arrest. His insurance… gone. His income… gone. His ability to get work… gone. Meantime he is going through a divorce. And he had to hire a lawyer several states away, on top of his divorce lawyer.

Now he receives his sentence: removal of all licenses to drive for two more months: not even cars or motorcycles. He's glad it's not felony, but it is brutal nonetheless. He is required to surrender his licenses to the local sheriff, so he goes down to the sheriff’s office, and in the process of surrendering his license, he breaks and starts to rave about having no options left, except suicide.

Bam, he finds himself two counties away in a lock-down hospital. Another $800 per day. That was a week ago. Today he was released, full of hospital drugs and less than half coherent. He could only go a short while before he lost the thought completely. “I have to learn to talk faster, before I forget what I’m talking about”, he said to me on the way back home.

They gave him 7 prescriptions to have filled. We went to Walmart where they quoted him $900 for a month's supply. Off to Walgreen’s and the same price there. No insurance? No prescriptions.

I took him home to his apartment. I don’t know what he’ll do after he dries out from the drugs the hospital pumped him full of. I’ll check on him tomorrow.