Friday, March 25, 2011

Quote of the Day 03.25.11

"Another possible danger is that in presenting the gospel to the lost and in defending God's truth we ourselves will seem to be false. It is time for Christian people to recognize that the defense of this modern, young-Earth, Flood-geology creationism is simply not truthful. It is simply not in accord with the facts that God has given. Creationism must be abandoned by Christians before harm is done. The persistent attempt of the creationist movement to get their points of view established in educational institutions can only bring harm to the Christian cause. Can we seriously expect non-Christian educational leaders to develop a respect for Christianity if we insist on teaching the brand of science that creationism brings with it? Will not the forcing of modern creationism on the public simply lend credence to the idea already entertained by so many intellectual leaders that Christianity, at least in its modern form, is sheer anti-intellectual obscurantism? I fear that it will."

[Christianity and the Age of the Earth, by Davis Young, Zondervan 1982. p. 163.]
This quote was found on PZ Meyer's Pharyngula blog, in a random quote generator.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Homosexual Watch 03.24.11

In California (where else), the Senate Education Comittee has approved a bill which dictates the positive imaging of homosexuality in public school textbooks. Embedded in language that blatantly twists histories of certain groups into positive-only stories, the groups addressed by the bills author, Sen. Mark Leno, a Democrat homosexual, include Lesbians, Gays, and Transgenders as well as "members of other ethnic and cultural groups". Although not mentioned specifically, this presumably would include Tea Party members, Catholics, Neo-Nazis, Clansmen, Chinese mafia, Hell's Angels, alcoholics, ex-convicts, prison inmates, prostitutes, and Drug Cartels, although those groups apparently do not have members as state senators to represent their grievances, as do the Lesbians, Gays and Transgenders.

Here is part of California's Senate Bill, SB48:
legislative counsel’s digest

SB 48, as introduced, Leno. Instruction: prohibition of discriminatory

Existing law requires instruction in social sciences to include a study of the role and contributions of both men and women to the development of California and the United States.

This bill would require instruction in social sciences to also include a study of the role and contributions of Native Americans, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, European Americans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans, and other ethnic and cultural groups, to the development of California and the United States.

Existing law prohibits instruction or school sponsored activities that reflect adversely upon persons because of their race, sex, color, creed, handicap, national origin, or ancestry. Existing law prohibits the State Board of Education and the governing board of any school district from adopting textbooks or other instructional materials that contain any matter that reflects adversely upon persons because of their race, sex, color, creed, handicap, national origin, or ancestry.

This bill would revise the list of characteristics included in these provisions to include race or ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, nationality, and sexual orientation, or other characteristic listed as specified.

Existing law prohibits a governing board from adopting instructional materials that contain any matter reflecting adversely upon persons because of their race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, handicap, or occupation, or that contain any sectarian or denominational doctrine or propaganda contrary to law.

This bill would revise the list of characteristics included in this provision to include race or ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, nationality, and sexual orientation, or other characteristic listed as specified.

Existing law requires that when adopting instructional materials for use in the schools, governing boards shall include materials that accurately portray the role and contribution of culturally and racially diverse groups including Native Americans, African Americans,
Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, and European Americans to the total development of California and the United States.

This bill would revise the list of culturally and racially diverse groups to also include Pacific Islanders, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans, and other ethnic and cultural groups.

51501. No textbook, or other instructional materials shall be adopted by the The state board or by any governing board shall not adopt any textbook or other instructional materials for use in the public schools which that contains any matter reflecting adversely upon persons because of their race, sex, color, creed, handicap, national origin, or ancestry on the basis of race or ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, or because of a characteristic listed in Section 220.

60040. When adopting instructional materials for use in the schools, governing boards shall include only instructional materials which, in their determination, accurately portray the cultural and racial diversity of our society, including:
(a) The contributions of both men and women in all types of roles, including professional, vocational, and executive roles.
(b) The role and contributions of Native Americans, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, European Americans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans, and members of other ethnic and cultural groups to the total development of California and the United States.

60044. No instructional materials shall be adopted by any A governing board shall not adopt any instructional materials for use in the schools which that, in its determination, contains:
(a) Any matter reflecting adversely upon persons because of their race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, handicap, or occupation on the basis of race or ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, or because of a characteristic listed in Section 220.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quote of the Day 03.23.11

“The people who claim to be feminist and pro-gay oppose the one country in the Middle East that does not subjugate women and persecute gays. What does that tell you?”
A commenter at NRO.

This was apparently written about the BBC; but its universality is undeniable.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Massimo Watch 03.21.11

Massimo descends beyond irrationality into despicability.

Ever wonder why you are such a racist? Massimo explains why you are:
” Sure enough, it took only weeks for the same media [which had proclaimed post-racial America upon Obama’s election; ed.] to start reporting on large percentages of Republicans believing that Obama is a Muslim (as if that were somehow an indictment of some kind), that he is not American (despite the public availability of documents clearly showing that he is), that he is a socialist (despite his Presidency clearly settling on a pretty moderate course from the get go), and so on. Why? Because a large number of Republicans simply can’t stand the very idea that a (quasi) black is their President. But they can’t say it in so many words (we have made some social progress since the ‘50s), so they express their outrage by embracing political fantasies and conspiracy theories.”
[emphasis added].
Massimo is way behind the times. The racist card was worn out two years ago when anyone who dared question The One was declared “racist” immediately by every media hack and Leftist Congressman. But now, well, now the Left is even starting to talk about impeaching The One. Racists.

But let’s at least look at Massimo’s logic. According to him there can be only one reason to believe that Obama is Muslim; that he is not American; that he is socialist. There is only racism involved in each thought. Obama’s training in Islam, his head-down bows to Islamic leaders, his administration’s double-jointed back-bend to avoid using the word “Islam” or “Muslim” in regards to Muslim murders on American soil; his de facto hand-over of Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood: no reason there to think Obama favors Islam; if you harbor contrary thoughts to that, you are racist.

And Massimo has continuously defended the non-legal Hawaiian birth notice as proof of Obama’s citizenship: any other position such as wanting a birth certificate is racist.

Socialist? No, no way, not The One. There is no socialism involved in the government commandeering of the health industry or of a major automotive corporation and handing it to the union while stiffing its debt-holders; there is no socialism in the hugely expanded debt to cover the hugely expanded government; there is no socialism in the president of the USA interfering in a state’s union and pension problems: to think otherwise is racist.

This descent by a self-described intellectual into the invective of false racial accusation is an indication not only of the commonly held self-righteous indignation of the morally superior elite, but also of the need to fabricate a false reason for that puffery out of no evidence whatsoever. Accordingly, the fabrication is that we who deplore the anti-democratic exploits of this president cannot express our racism, so we invent false accusations in order to vent our racism against him. No evidence is required for this outrageous fabrication of the Leftist mind. Like other Leftist machinations, it attempts to overcome the complete lack of evidence with the double accusation:”you’re evil, and you conceal your evilness with non-evil subterfuges – but we are not fooled because we know that you are evil underneath”. This is unquestionable to those who automatically hold the moral high ground merely because of who they are: “We are moral; to disagree with this is immoral”.
”a large portion of American evangelical and fundamentalist churches support the Right’s agenda because they've bought into the peculiar concept of “morality” that suits the Republican party (where sex is a moral issue, unless it is a pastor or Newt Gingrich who commits the deed, while obscene income disparity, raping of the environment, white collar crimes and so forth somehow don’t show up on the morality radar screen);”
Massimo’s concept of morality is orthogonal to any classical ethic or morality one might harbor. For Massimo, morality is the requirement that wealth and income be equalized and without disparity; justice is the top-down administration of the proper distribution of all wealth. When he throws in “raping the environment” as if the “large majority of Republicans” just go out and mindlessly rape, he creates a lie and he ignores the carbon footprints which the wealthy Left and the huge parasitic government present. Nancy Pelosi alone raped more than those Republicans with her constant globetrotting in military jets. Flotus taking hundreds to Spain; a constant stream of world-wide vacations for Potus; the charges made, in the presence of actual facts, are ludicrous. White collar crimes? These are protected by Obama’s DOJ at the behest of lobbyists galore who are now part and parcel of the Obama administration. White collar types on Wall Street and Corporate management get bailouts, unless they oppose unions in which case the unions get the bailout and the corporation, while the white collars get the ax. In fact, most of the white collar crimes in the past two years were tax evasion crimes by Lefties who are now in the government (including Clare McCaskill). The sex crimes of pastors or Newt? Which of those did not suffer for their ways? None of Massimo’s purported offenses is real. In fact, the opposite is the case, and evidence is available should he care about it.

But what really torques Massimo’s shorts is the vast Republican plutocracy, one where Republicans get rich while the unions are being devastated. This is not just racist: vastly rich and racist, a compound sin. If there are Republicans that are not part of the plutocracy they are “simpletons”, deluded by the super-rich. Simpletons and the super rich. That is the majority of the country, according to Massimo. It is no wonder that he eschews actual democracy. In a republic, it is the Democrat senators who become billionaires.

What is the cause for this sort of evidence-free rant? Why is his hatred of the Other worn on his sleeve? Perhaps the UberLeft is suddenly twisting in the wind? With blacks moving out of the old Democrat model of Jim Crow, segregation and enabled permanent poverty into the world of responsible capitalism-driven white collar careers, the Left is losing influence on its bastion of votes. And Europe is now crumbling under the Leftist structure which Massimo desperately wants for the USA. Are these the causes for such irrationality? It’s hard to say, because he doesn’t address such failures of progressivism (he even proudly claims that in the comments).

For more evidence-avoiding and fact-free ranting, finish reading his post. Then go have a drink with him; he needs one. While you are there, try to get some material evidence out of him to support his racism and morality theories. There certainly was no evidence contained in his meltdown rant.