Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Four Prisms

I like this analogy:
"How did that happen? It happened because weak school administrators and academics empowered tireless activists who forced all of American history and life through the four prisms of class, gender, ethnicity and identity. What emerged at the other end was one idea—guilt. I exist, therefore I must be guilty. Of something."
The irony of AtheoLeftism is that they hate religion due to the feelings of guilt it gives them. So they use guilt as their own weapon, laying guilt on everyone who is not them, not with them, not for them.

Guilt is their main stock in trade, and it works for the guilt-susceptible, which is mainly other Atheoleftists. White male leftists hate white males for their white maleness which is a sure sign of guilt. Feminists hate women who don't hate white men, and both of those classes are guilty. Race baiters hate whites first, and Asians second, and other races and Jews too, because they are all guilty of something racist just by existing in their DNA identity which is offensive and at a minimum, triggering fear, vapors and dyspepsia in the Victims.

The Atheoleft decrees guilt for the Other. Guilt is a class characteristic. The entire class of Not-Us is guilty, by order of the SJW, Messiah, AtheoLeftist self-gods, who have weaponized guilt for application to everyone else.

The main article is discussing the cancelling of history in favor of narrative in the AP education program. The loss of historical context is already part of the mental fog in which the USA now fumbles about. Actual, factual history does have its moments of brutality, but it also has its moments of the glory of freedom and its products. Only the brutality will be presented, and it will be magnified in order to produce the largest amount of guilt for being a part of western civilization.

Looking For Oppression In All The Wrong Places

When nothing is naughty, there's only one place left to look, if you want to be scorned.
I’m Sooo Bored of Being Gay

All the best sex – in fact, all the best things in life – are transgressive and naughty. But there’s a problem when forbidden fruits go mainstream. When you teach yourself to be excited solely by transgressive acts, and end up only really happy when you’re breaking rules or upsetting someone, you’re at the mercy of changing fashions.

Today, thanks to society’s endless mollycoddling and celebration of “alternative” lifestyles, the joy of rebellion is drying up for me. You see, I only plumped for homosexuality to irritate my parents. But now even they are fine with it. A few years ago, my mum said, perhaps cannily, “All I want is for you to be happy.”

That came as devastating news. Because my sexuality was never about maternal acceptance, but rather the mischievous and incorrigible pursuit of social censure and the threat of being cut out of the will. Now my gayness was not only roundly applauded by wider society but even my own parents, what was the point?

So I find myself in the perplexing position of asking: what’s next? Casting my eye around modern Britain, in the last few months I’ve been on the look-out for the most marginalised, ridiculed and socially ostracised slice of the population. And I think I’ve nailed it: it’s time for me to become a straight white male.

No other subset of the populace is as relentlessly maligned and demonised as those with the misfortune of being born white, straight, and a man. They are constantly bashed in the media, on the internet, and even at schools and universities, where there are very real structural disadvantages these days to being a boy.

It pains me to admit that, in today’s permissive culture, it is easier to be an outrageously gay man than it is to present with the symptoms of so-called toxic masculinity. By pure accident of birth, your skin colour, sexuality and sex can today be used with impunity against you, to dismiss your opinions and even pay you less at work: under the age of 30, women now earn more than men for the same jobs in both Britain and America.

Since gay people have been so endlessly praised, flattered and catered to by the media and politicians, I’ve lost interest in sleeping with men. I want to feel oppressed again! That’s why, from today, I’m going to make a go of being straight. Wish me luck!
How can you be a rebel, when everything is acceptable?

Engineering Mankind With Instillation of Hate

One of the characteristics of the Atheoleftist-dominated self-designated Messiah Class and the Social Justice Warriors in general, is to classify people into convenient classes of Victimhood and Oppressors, and then to accuse by projection of their own hate characteristics onto to those who they hate, those who they designate as Oppressors. This is done for two reasons; first to generate fear in the perpetual Victimhood Class; second, to provide a pseudo-moral basis for the fundamental religious behaviors which are necessary for their tactics.

We can see that in Hillary today, who has just made a hate speech in Texas, and is preparing to ramp up hatred amongst her base, by claiming that Not-Democrats hate blacks. That in turn is expected to increase the hatred which plantation blacks maintain for Not-Democrats, despite the Democrat habit of sucking the life out of the blacks in every city they control.

It could be seen in the perpetuation of the Ferguson concept, "Black Lives Matter", when the fact of Ferguson is that a black attacked a white cop, and the evidence which was overwhelming in favor of the cop is ignored, and "Ferguson" is now a race narrative contained in just that one word.

It can be seen in the sorry affair of Rolling Stone, the University of Virginia, and the liar, "Jackie", where a desired narrative of Oppressors vs. Victims became a national scandal as it was revealed to be false, and yet still was "necessary" to the process of the perpetuation of the concept women's Victimhood, and men as animalistic Oppressors.

It can be seen in both Gamergate, and especially in the SFF hugo awards, which were the exclusive playroom of the "correct thinking" SJWs, until they were challenged by the Other Class. So the Other Class has been lableled with every pejorative that the SJWs can come up with, including NAZI, and that from executives in the publisher, TOR. TOR is experiencing the leading edge of a rebellion of both their readers and their author base, who are incensed at being labeled NAZIs, just because they want fair treatment in both publishing and the award selection process.

The self-righteous arrogance of the SJWs allows them the moral privilege to run the world, and to attempt to destroy, frequently succeeding, the careers and lives of those who have different opinions. Their targets have acceded in the past, and the SJW/Messiah class has succeeded in both their creation of permanent Victimhood classes of the perpetually aggrieved who cannot achieve without the "help" and "protection" of the Democrat SJW/Messiahs. And they cannot understand why it is that their situation always deteriorates, and always needs evermore protection from the white Messiahs.

Modern feminist Victims and plantation black Victims have this in common: they actually are victims. But not of anyone other than their perpetual dominators - the Democrats who have oppressed them ever since the Democrat party came into being nearly 200 years ago. Today the Democrats convince minorities that they are weak, they are ignorant, they cannot stand for themselves, and that they - the party of oppression for nearly 200 years - will serve as their protectors and benefactors. They preserve the master/slave concept by convincing the slaves that having a master is good, in fact it is necessary, because, as slaves, they are too inferior to exist in the real world on their own merits and strengths. And they get away with blaming the slavery on the hated class which is the Not-Democrats.

The modern history of the Democrat party still matches its older history (perhaps why they want to write the history books) in the sense of keeping minorities in subjugation, fearful, and their personal captives; still masters of the slave class. That is the message which is to be taken from Hillary's Hate campaign, as she tries to instill fear of the Other, yet justify opening the doors to more voter fraud, dishonesty at the financial and billionaire level, and borders open to ever-cheaper labor which is supported by government programs of all sorts intended for American citizens, not foreigners here to steal it from actual taxpayers. These are not beneficial to the Victimhood/slave class, but are to the Messiah/Leftist Class. But to say those things becomes "hate", no matter how true they are in actual reality. And so today truth = hate.

We live in times characterized specifically by hate. And that is generated by those advertising their Hatred of Hate, and pumping fear into the unwary. Because that's the path to Utopia; it always is the Path To Utopia, to the New Man, to "egalite'", to "tolerance", and to perfection of humans by the control of the elite engineers of mankind, who must break eggs to make a homogenous omelet out of all humans. And who eats the omelet?

The Victimhood Classes might, possibly, be on the verge of comprehending that when Democrats are in charge things don't get better for the Victims, they get worse. I don't know if it's really the case that the light of realization is turning on. But the real cause for their victimhood needs to be hammered home, because it is true.

"The age of Obama has passed. Many of the Millennials who enthusiastically supported Obama during his campaigns have grown disillusioned by Washington. A Harvard poll of young voters last year, for instance, found trust in major government institutions dropping dramatically. A large portion are out of work and tired of paying taxes for a ballooning entitlement state — an entitlement state from which they expect no benefits."

Friday, June 12, 2015

To the Troll

You might as well give up. I read no further than your identity, and immediately delete you - with a smile.

That is the beauty of the blogger set up. I get to nuke you without reading a word.

Keep wasting time if that's your intent, but now it's just your time and not mine or anyone else's that you are wasting.

Ha Ha! Ha HAAAAA! You're done here.

Arm Chair Messiahs

The White-Savior Industrial Complex
And there's this:
The Soft Bigotry of Kony 2012

"The viral video campaign reinforces a dangerous, centuries-old idea that Africans are helpless and that idealistic Westerners must save them."

ALWAYS the First Step in Totalitarian Takeovers

Putting people into categories, along with false moral privilege, censorship, and full-on attacks on the Other are the first signs of a totalitarian class takeover. I believe the following is true:
The lesson that conservatives and even liberals have to learn is that there can be no toleration for SJWs. There can be no support for SJW organizations and institutions. Their entryists must be guarded against. The prideful, self-centered declaration that you are above all cultural war and will nobly go down to graceful defeat rather than dirty yourself by choosing a side doesn't mean that you have higher ideals and standards, it means that you are observably stupid and self-defeating.

Fence-sitting doesn't make you a better person. Especially when the fence is in the process of being knocked down by SJW bulldozers.

Vox Day
Because they are pursuing their own form of a virulent religion - the self-righteousness religion - they will not relent. It is their self-given right to determine the world and worldview of everyone who is not them. If they do not, they are untrue to their own religion, and will be Othered, immediately and ruthlessly. There is plenty of evidence to support that.