Friday, March 18, 2016

The Left Continues In Its Racist Historical Pattern

Meet The New KKK

No sheets and a new look for a very old strategy.

Read it all at the source.
Never forget: The Democrat Party was founded on racism: its sole purpose for formation was to perpetuate slavery of blacks. It fomented the Civil War in order to protect slavery. When it lost the war, it formed Jim Crow segregation and the KKK, both of which persisted for roughly a century. Then, in response to the Republican Civil Rights Act of 1964, LBJ created the welfare plan with the Orwellian name, War on Poverty, to perpetuate blacks in poverty and also make them perpetually dependent Democrats... and the blacks fell for it, even making some of their own blacks into their racist Democrat oppressors. The 60's Leftists were first to shriek "white privilege" while calling white babies "pigs" needing termination. Racism, the root of the Democrat Party, became a Leftist tool and it has been wielded with characteristic Leftist violence. Trump will be claimed as inspiration for all sorts of summer-time "racial" protest-violence intended to shut up the opposition by denying them speech venues, as happened in Chicago.

The violence against freedom (speech and assembly) is wholly predictable, because it is in the genetics of the Left, and has always been there historically. It is the party of race tyrants. It will not change now.

Note that the coming race violence is not about race. Islam is not a race; Mexico is not a race. The charge of racism against Trump is McCarthyist hate speech, and is this year's Shut Up.

Black Lives Matter, otoh is purely racist against all whites; the intent is to instill a new cultural standard for black ghettos: drugs, gangs, theft and killing are now black cultural standards which whites may not interfere with or try to control. The new standard is black separatism, i.e., the new segregation into a subnation which is inaccessible to whites (or browns). This already exists in certain blue model cities in the USA, where whites dare not go, and cops dare not arrest.

Constitutional Politics Abandoned

The Power of the Purse

“The truth is that modern liberty depends on the power of the purse. All of the great battles in England in the 17th century between the Crown and Parliament turned ultimately on the power of the purse. The members of Parliament were elected at least in part with an eye to achieving a redress of grievances, and that redress was the price they exacted for funding the Crown. Our legislature has given up that power. Our congressional leaders claim – once the election is over – that they have no leverage. If that is really true, then elections do not matter, and a redress of grievances is now beyond the legislature’s power. Absent that capacity, however, the legislature is virtually useless. Absent that capacity, it is contemptible — and let’s face it: the President and those who work under him have showered it with contempt.

There is a lesson to be learned from the current mess: Congress needs to reassert in a dramatic fashion the power of the purse, and the Republicans need to start keeping their promises. To do that, however, they will have to show a bit of backbone.

I will not defend Donald Trump. I will not assert that those who have backed him in the primaries are conducting themselves in a rational manner. But I will say this: they would not be backing the man if they did not feel betrayed, and they feel betrayed because they have been betrayed.

Look at it this way. In 2010 and 2014, the Republican Party was more successful electorally than at any time since 1928. What have those elected done with the mandate they received? Look above at Mona’s list of their accomplishments. It is, for the most part, a list of things that Barack Obama asked them to do and that they did not do. The real question is this: what concessions did they extract from the President? What did they, using the power of the purse, force him to do on behalf of their constituents? And the answer is: next to nothing. It is no wonder that so many of this year’s primary voters are spitting mad.

If the Republican Party is in the process of committing suicide, it is not due to the party’s constituents. It is due to the leaders who failed them. My guess, for what it is worth, is that in November the Republicans will lose their majority in the Senate and perhaps even the House. That is the sort of thing that happens when one gives short shrift to the concerns of one’s constituents.

[most emphasis added]
If the Left retakes Congress AND the Presidency, it is because the Right will not vote for the useless Republicans, not because that voting bloc turned Left. A legislator too afraid to be blamed for a president's tantrum over a reduced budget has no place in politics, and no place in constitutional governing. But the voter cannot know if his legislators are "real" or if they are puppets of the crony capitalist oligarchy. So why even vote??

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Real Science Vs. Leftist Narrative

An open letter to the Virginia Tech community
No doubt the entire population of VA-Tech will require a communal safe room full of thousands of puppies and soft music.

Melissa Click's Animal House Defense

Mizzou Muscle Prof: We want people to take chances, don’t we?
Why, punishing Click for strong-arming students and cops is, well, downright un-American, right Otter?

WaPo Is Pissing Itself Over Trump

To defend our democracy against Trump, the GOP must aim for a brokered convention

No, Mr. Trump must be stopped because he presents a threat to American democracy. Mr. Trump resembles other strongmen throughout history who have achieved power by manipulating democratic processes. Their playbook includes a casual embrace of violence; a willingness to wield government powers against personal enemies; contempt for a free press; demonization of anyone who is not white and Christian; intimations of dark conspiracies; and the propagation of sweeping, ugly lies.
Remove just one word - "not", as emphasized above - and you have Obama, WaPo's darling. But the main point here is that WaPo wants the Republican Strongmen to stop the "destruction of democracy" by destroying the democratic process which is backing Trump over the GPOe strongmen. That's a standard Leftist logic non-coherence, fully to be expected of a threatened ideology of ubermenchen who see an even UBERmench on their horizon. Trump is no conspiracy theory; he is real and he represents the voters who put him in the lead. The Left knows what he will do to Hillary. They are wetting themselves, and the tinkling is music to the ears.

A boxcar load of popcorn is on its way...

Rule 16D: Yet Another Reason To Hate Republicans.

Loophole rules allow the GOPestablishment to do whatever the hell they want: voters be damned. Trump might very likely wind up a write-in third party merely to deny the GOP aristocracy the presidency which they want total control over. Hillary could well win. I don't even care any more. The entire political system must be destroyed if the constitutional democracy is to continue to exist. Perhaps it just cannot.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Why I Am NOT A Republican, Reason # N^P

We choose the nominee, not the voters: Senior GOP official
Read it THERE.

The parties must be destroyed. Period. What ever it takes to return the country to the Will Of The People. These people are tyrants, pure and simple.

Discussion Zone For Evolution

This post will serve as a permanent discussion zone for evolution. It will be on the Left hand column.

Discussion Zone For Atheism

This post will serve as a permanent location for discussion of any and all aspects of Atheism. It will be on the Left Column.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

And Now the Real Fun Begins: Media Hoaxing Trump Violence

The Michelle Fields Media Hoax, and Why They Were Caught
For SJWs, all contrary opinions are "violence" and "unsafe". This is now the strategy being used against Trump, as with the threats of assassination against Trump which are - of course - caused by Trump himself by holding "violent opinions". Trump's opinions are also the cause of the violent demonstration being held against his appearance at a rally, forcing him to cancel for the safety of his supporters. It's the old abuser theme: "She forced me to beat her to death - what else could I do?" Trump is "forcing them" to riot and to lie about being "assaulted"... and forcing the media not to report the true events. The cuckservative rivals of Trump piled on:
"Friday evening’s Donald Trump rally in Chicago was broken up by a foul-mouthed mob that infiltrated the hall and forced the cancellation of the event to prevent violence and bloodshed.

Brownshirt tactics worked. The mob, triumphant, rejoiced.

And the reaction of Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and John Kasich?

All three Republican rivals blamed – Donald Trump.

With his “dangerous style of leadership,” Trump stokes this anger, mewed Rubio, “This is what happens when a leading presidential candidate goes around feeding into a narrative of bitterness and anger and frustration.”

Rubio implies that if Trump doesn’t tone down his remarks to pacify the rabble, he will be responsible for the violence visited upon him.

Kasich echoed Rubio: “Donald Trump has created a toxic environment (that) has allowed his supporters and those who sometimes seek confrontation to come together in violence.”

But were the thousands of Trump supporters who came out to cheer him that night really looking for a fight? Or were they exercising their right of peaceful assembly?

Cruz charged Trump with “creating an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discord,” thus offering absolution to the mob.
No "free speech" here. Rubio, Kashich and Whassisname... Cruz, all legitimized the rioters. Why do the Republicans always field scum as "presidential contenders"?

It will get worse and more interesting; get more popcorn. And find your Safe Place as the media will advise you when the Trump-caused violence against Trump and his supporters becomes a rosy glow on a smoke darkened horizon near you.