Saturday, September 17, 2016

Too Good To Miss

Go there:
The Raj Koothrappali Approach to Constitutional Law
If there is no US Constitutional justification anymore, then officials who swear-in on it are illegitimate.

If there is no basis for law, then there is only "raw power".

Then Jeffersonian patriotic blood must be spilled.

Bam Bam Being Bam Bam

Friday, September 16, 2016

A Shiny New Trump? Maybe So.

EU Focuses On Dis-Arming Switzerland

The European Union wants to disarm Switzerland

"Switzerland: Brussels will toughen its laws on firearms, including introducing psychological and medical tests for holders.

The EU wants [Switzerland] to tighten its laws on firearms. The first sketches of Directive 91/477 forced Simonetta Sommaruga [Swiss Federal Councelor, a socialist] to visit Brussels in mid-June, to plead for Swiss law be allowed to keep the service weapon at home. [Switzerland in NOT part of the EU]

If this derogation is accepted for now, it will be accompanied by many other obligations, such as psychological and medical tests, said the Basler Zeitung in its issue of August 24.

It is supposed to demonstrate that gun owners are not a danger to society and must be supervised. [do you see the contradiction? they are safe, but must be closely watched] Therefore 133,000 people will be compelled to do that: members of shooting clubs but also hunters, collectors or those who possess weapons without being part of a society.

The anti-terrorist law in the European Union already requires gun owners to pass such tests every five years.

Fear of referendum

Switzerland, a member of the Schengen area, is committed to automatically apply European law. Berne will therefore have to adapt its legislation, which could be the subject of a referendum. If not, the vote could result in the late-agreement Schengen-Dublin.

[the shengen and Dublin agreement was apparently signed by the Swiss]

It is to avoid this disaster scenario that Simonetta Sommaruga’s services were activated in June in Brussels for the service weapons to be excluded from the directive. The other obligations will also make the Swiss cringe.


The Fass 57 threatened [Swiss army riffle(sic)]

The terrorist attacks that shook Europe in recent years explain this tougher legislation, but the European Union has had to recognize that none of them had been committed by legally purchased and possessed weapons.

Switzerland could be obligated to destroy hundreds of thousands of weapons and neutralize them. The EU has in his sights rifles with magazines with over 20 rounds and guns that stores more than 10. The assault rifle 57 is particularly threatened with its original magazine of 24 cartridges.

The Directive is currently being processed by Brussels. But it is clear that if it were to pass as is, anyone past active service or is not a member of a shooting club, no longer will have the right to own a firearm. (Nxp)"

[emphasis added]
So it appears likely that the Swiss WILL be neutralized unless they pull out of the Schengen open borders pact. The current Right will be downgraded to permission granted by outsiders.

I'm not Swiss, but if I were, I'd pull out of all EU commitments effective immediately and concurrently restore all border checkpoints. The EU does what every "socialist" dictatorship ultimately does: take away freedoms constantly but rather gradually. The frogs in the pot won't notice the ever rising temperature, right? Well, The British did and bolted. Hopefully the rest of the EU victims will notice as well.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Lesson Learned a Little Late

FBI Director James Comey Is One of THEM

It's no wonder Comey didn't press Justice for prosecution of Hillary; he's a full fledged crony.
Exposed: FBI Director James Comey’s Clinton Foundation Connection
If it weren't for corruption, we'd have no government at all.

PBS: Where Science Goes to Die

Last night PBS aired a show called the Forces of Nature (I think it was). It went breathless about how everything that exists does so due to electromagnetic forces and gravity. I missed the first 15 minutes or so, but it appeared that they were pushing the "balance" of forces and the necessity of symmetry. Two things were obvious.

First, the concept of the hexagon was elevated to a mystical status of wondrous symmetry as snowflakes were animated and filmed. Hexagonal due to the shape of water molecules? Some sort of resolution due to minimizing energy requirements to provide the magical hexagonal shape? Why, hexagons are everywhere, like bee's honey combs and other stuff.

What they failed to mention is that hexagons are a mathematical necessity due to adjacent circles: simple high school geometry. Put a circle somewhere. Then make a circle, same size, which touches the first circle, next to the first circle. Repeat that going around the first circle, making circles which touch and don't overlap. That amounts to six circles surrounding the first circle. That is the mathematical necessity of the hexagon in nature, not all that other crap about forces and symmetry. Look at a stack of pipes endwise. A stack of firewood. Sure, they're held there by gravity, but they could also be banded that way. The hexagonal necessity is still mathematical, not force.

The second half was focused on the force of... evolution. Yep. Evolution is now a force according to the perpetual evolution TV programs, just like gravity and electromagnetic forces, only it is restricted to living things. And living things are representative of the magic of symmetry, too. Well, not all living things, of course, like prokaryotes. Or Plants. Or even all eukaryotes. But there are quite a lot that do have symmetry: bilaterialism. Meaning that there are complementary right and left halves, but not front and back halves. And not internal things either, like intestines, livers, hearts, entire legions of feedback control systems, delivery channels, glands etc. But some are, like lungs and kindeys and brain halves which don't function symmetrically, but are physically symmetrical.

Apparently bilateralism is initiated by HOX genes, or at least described there in code. If that is the case, then the chemical property of the gene is the special force within life which is causal for bilateralism. But just for certain eukaryotes, of course.

Projecting this knowledge onto the additional evolutionary claim that there is no essence to life, that life is merely deterministic chemical activity resolving to the laws of electromagnetism, then this proposition is testable. The genetic chemistry, when applied to correctly assembled, lifeless materials which also have no life essence, should do its job and create bilateralism there as well. Symmetrical rocks should ensue due to the application of this new force, and easily, since their complexity is far less then that of life, but their essences are equal. They are merely electrochemically influenced molecular structures... just like life.

That is absurd, of course. But the challenge of how bilateralism came to be a feature demands an answer to the following paradox: which came first, physical bilateralism, or code for bilateralism? It occurred rapidly in the Cambrian Explosion epoch, along with non-bilateral plants and non-bilateral eukaryotes as well.

It's very similar to the other paradoxes, such as the creation of sexual reproduction which requires very high dual, complementary complexity coming into existence simultaneously; and other conundrums such as the pupation of butterflies, for example, where one physical creature is transformed into a completely different form in the secrecy of its cocoon.

And the ultimate paradox: how did a living cell, filled with thousands of necessary processes come into existence, while containing the coded molecule which precisely defines that cell embedded in the cell and ready to divide for procreation. It's no wonder they deny any intellectual responsibility for answering that.

But back to PBS. The program was to be about the forces of nature, which one might delusionally think that would be the four forces of physics. But this is PBS. It's agenda is showing.

"It's Inevitable": Jefferson

Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin says bloodshed may be needed to protect conservatism

"Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin said conservatives may need to turn to physical violence in order to protect the United States against contemporary liberalism.

The Republican governor put forth the controversial suggestion after speaking of the “degradation of society” during an impassioned, 15-minute speech at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on Saturday. The provocative comments started to gain national attention at the start of this week.

“America is worth fighting for ideologically. I want us to be able to fight ideologically, mentally, spiritually, economically, so that we don’t have to do it physically. But that may, in fact, be the case,” he told the crowd.

Bevin suggested that if Democrat Hillary Clinton were elected president, she would set the nation on a dangerous course that might require bloodshed to correct. He told the audience that the “candle” of liberty might go out “on our watch.”

To hammer home his point, he paraphrased a famous quote from Founding Father Thomas Jefferson: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

“Whose blood will be shed? It may be that of those in this room. It might be that of our children and grandchildren. I have nine children,” he said. “It breaks my heart to think that it might be their blood that is needed to redeem something, to reclaim something that we, through our apathy and our indifference, have given away. Don’t let it happen.”

Bevin encouraged young conservatives to speak up, be bold, sound the alarm and wake up others. He told the conference attendees to not keep what they’ve learned from speakers and their books to themselves.

According to Bevin, too many people these days are following the example of former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who infamously tried to appease Adolf Hitler and promised “peace for our time,” as opposed to his successor, Winston Churchill, who is widely celebrated for understanding and combating the threat of Nazism.

He said liberals mock conservatives into silence by accusing them of being intolerant when they speak their minds. He lamented, for instance, that many conservatives have remained silent concerning “the atrocity of abortion.”

“It’s a slippery slope. First we’re killing children. Then it’s ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’ Now it’s this gender-bending kind of ‘don’t ask, don’t be a bigot, don’t be unreasonable, don’t be unenlightened, heaven forbid, just keep your mouth shut.’”

On Friday, at a banquet in Washington, D.C., Bevin was awarded the Distinguished Christian Statesman Award from the D. James Kennedy Center for Christian Statesmanship, a ministry of Evangelism Explosion International.

Bevin’s office has not responded to a request for comment from Yahoo News, but he did post a statement on Twitter encouraging people to listen to his comments in their entirety. He suggested that the mention of bloodshed in his remarks was a reference to military sacrifice and that “any intelligent person will easily understand the message” if they listen to the speech."
When the executive branch, the judiciary, the billionaire cronies and half the population prefer tyranny, then the candle is effectively out. Every bureaucracy is now fully provided with the equivalent of its own military. It would have to be a 4th Generation war, otherwise the patriots would be mowed like a lawn. And most likely the USA would emerge either totalitarian or Muslim (but I repeat myself).

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Nope, Not Bernie

It's pointing to Creepy Uncle Joe, who didn't even run
Lots of buzzards lining up to take advantage of the carrion Hillary. Also Bernie and whatsisname, her Veep victim. I'm still for Chelsea, myself.

The Onion is On It

Pneumonia Virus Terrified After Remembering What Clintons Capable Of

"WASHINGTON—Expressing regret over its reckless decision to infect the Democratic presidential nominee, the virus causing Hillary Clinton’s pneumonia was reportedly terrified Monday after remembering what the Clintons were capable of. “Oh shit, what the hell was I thinking—you don’t get on the wrong side of these people,” said the infectious agent, which became increasingly worried while recalling just how far the Clintons were willing to go to get what they wanted, as well as what often happened to those who dared to cross the powerful politicians. “Everybody knows you never mess with the Clintons. These people won’t hesitate to absolutely crush you, and they have the money and connections to do it. I knew I should’ve just stayed clear. I’m so fucked.” At press time, the horrified virus was reportedly planning to avoid the Clintons’ wrath by taking its own life."
I guess you can't kill something that is more toxic than you are. It took Hillary only about two hours to emerge looking like a different person, and without her guards, too (Maybe they were collateral damage). When President, she'll take on Zika.

OK, I Missed This, But Now I'm Woke To It

The four-letter word that has liberal celebrities ducking for cover
But you'll have to go there to get yourself woke. I be a little drowsy.

Comment of the Day

At the HILL:
Clinton’s reluctance to drink water causing tension with her staff: report
From the comments: Fear of water = rabies; Clinton has RABIES!

We already knew that...

Monday, September 12, 2016

A Few Days at Gaia

I recently went into the nether world of the Gaia site, into the realm of the mutated Atheist. I say mutated because at this forum they no longer accept any definition of Atheism which is not merely that Atheism is nothing, a void consisting not of rejection but only of being “not convinced”. Other definitions of Atheism are ridiculed, and any one presenting them is attacked by a swarm of what can be described only as the site’s flying monkeys, hurling epithets and insults competitively in the background. There are a couple of dominant types there who jump in on top of other conversations, driving the original commenter into complete silence, even though the person is a sympathetic Atheist, but apparently menial.

The environment is completely open, meaning chaotic in the form of total anarchy, with zero principles for any type of considered conversation. They do assert rules for you, but for them there are none whatsoever. The tone is uniformly derogatory and destruction is the goal. Any interloper who is the Other is to be driven out by force of the stench they encounter there.

To get a feel of the maturity level, the site has its users choose a doll cartoon for a personal icon, and then play dress-up, outfitting the doll with clothes, armor, weapons, and other cartoon equipment. Seriously. The denizens themselves use garbage speak with as many expletives as they can muster instead of any meaningful information or content. They also post large semi-animated cartoons with similar verbiage as they use, as if that makes points which they are unable to make, in their state of semi-literacy.

The person I wound up having the discussion with, if it could be called that, assured me that he would escalate the garbage talk, and that the cursing was fun. That’s why he does it; it’s fun. And of course, the level of supposedly objectionable and aggressive attacks on the dignity of the opponent is at its maximum when someone like myself shows up. I've seen Atheists like these barrel-bottom specimens before; I'm not affected by their antics.

Here’s how it works in an anarchy, where principles and civility are foreign. First, anything the Other says is met with hoots of derision and claims of fallacy, which claims are entirely false. The Other will never convince the Atheist to admit that, though. And the attacks do not relent because apparently such tactics do work on reasonable people who turn away from the trash and decay, and leave. The anarchy is left intact and has been purified by the attacks.

Second, any rebuttal by the Other regarding the many actual logic deviations and standard fallacies committed by a resident Atheist is shouted down or ignored.

Third, any attack on the hollow VOID that is Atheism is met with demands to reveal whatever worldview that the Other might have. That serves as the sole answer to the question, “what threshold principles do you use for your rejection of theism?” The answer that eventually was actually betrayed accidentally was that they require “fallacy free” arguments. But that "principle" is immediately falsified by their double standard and corruption of the meaning of the concept: “fallacy”. In Atheist anarchy, the Atheist cannot make a fallacious statement by definition (theirs, unspoken but obviously axiomatic): these Atheists speak only the Truth, by definition (theirs, unspoken, but obviously axiomatic). Further, the Other speaks in fallacies in any case the Atheist dictates that to be the case, i.e., whenever convenient for his retorts.

Also, the Atheist ignores any request for information, and constantly demands to be allowed to deprecate the worldview of the Other, rather than reveal his own. In fact, at this site they readily claim that Atheism is nothing at all, no worldview, no possible reason to connect the Atheist anarchic void of principles to the life-system of the Atheist. They defend that denial with vehemence and escalated filth-speech. This is the intellectual level of the site.

So of course the intellectual path of any conversation is straight into that bottomless hole which constitutes Atheism. They truly are a Lord of the Flies, anarchic and principle-free group which considers themselves to be automatically far superior to any Other who shows up. So of course the loud, filthy denigration and derogation is deserved, because the Other is really an “idiot”, as they constantly jeer.

I have described the week-long visit there as a visit to a huge, rotting mountain of noxious garbage which is inhabited… infested… with a large population of rats. The rats need the garbage; it is their garbage; they derive their essence from the garbage. They become the garbage. They defend the garbage and purify the garbage-kingdom population by attacking any non-rats with as much poisonous effluent as they can spew from their filthy maws. No non-rat would stay in such a fetid, toxic garbage dump. The population of rats is secured and they congratulate themselves on their superiority as the Other leaves the toxins for better air.

Now that’s just my opinion, regarding my experience. You are free to go there and read the thread and see for yourself. But join up and post there only with the thought of venturing into the reeking fumes of the decay of human culture, civility, respect and literacy, and those who aggressively defend it.

Most Interesting Election Year EVER... cont'd.

Secrecy generates speculation which generates fun, fun, fun.

‘Expect emergency DNC meeting to CONSIDER replacement for Hillary,’ Dem operatives say

I saw one speculation today that I hope comes true: it would be so much fun to see Chelsea run for president for about 30 days. That could happen, of course, if Hillary craters in a major debate or otherwise is disabled in the public eye. Apparently the DNC can haul out another candidate, but only if the nominated candidate either agrees to it, or dies, or some such.

Sure, it's a crazy move, but Hillary wouldn't agree to putting Bernie in her place; the Clinton Foundation would founder and die if it were no longer a cash road to power for the cronies.

Chelsea would provide Gramma and Grampy Clinton access to the White House, and also would keep the Clinton Foundation fully viable for all the world's corruptocrats to have access to power for a mere fifty or a hundred million donation (They're shooting for billionaire class, now). It makes sense, and Chelsea's old enough apparently, or if not, well the Constitution is just incomprehensible anyway and it's old, too. But no novelist would concoct such a story, or such a family as the Clintons. Only the DNC, the cronies and the Leftists could create them.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Hillary Creates a Class

Found at Vox Day's place:

In case you missed it:
“You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables. Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric. Now some of those folks, they are irredeemable, but thankfully, they are not America.”
- Hillary Clinton, September 9, 2016
Hey, if Harambe's in, then I'm good with it.