Saturday, October 15, 2016

Oh Yeah!

I got such great feedback on the cartoons, I thought I'd put up some more!

There ya go!

A Partial Statement of the State of the State

Politics Is Poison to the Human Spirit

"Some startling new evidence has emerged about the effect of this year’s election on the psychological well being of the US population. The American Psychological Association has released an early report on its annual survey and found that more than half the population reports being seriously stressed, anxious, alarmed, depressed, and even frightened by the election. Essentially, the constant coverage, dominating the news every minute of every day, is freaking people out.

It’s one thing for politics to mess up the world around us, but it’s a real tragedy if we let politics mess up our minds, spirits, and lives.I totally get this. I’ve felt it – some nagging sense that things are not quite right, that the lights in the room are dimming, that life is not quite as hopeful and wonderful as it usually is.

I’ve regarded this as my own fault; for the first time I’ve followed this election very closely. I made this awful bed and now I’m lying in it. The message that politics beats into our heads hourly is that your neighbor might be your enemy, and that the realization of your values requires the crushing of someone else’s.

That’s a terrible model of human engagement to accept as the only reality. It is demoralizing, and I’ve felt it this year more than ever. But everyone I know says the same thing, even those who are trying their best to tune it out. Now we have evidence that vast numbers are affected. It’s one thing for politics to mess up the world around us, but it’s a real tragedy if we let politics mess up our minds, spirits, and lives.

Why Is this Happening?

Carl von Clausewitz is believed to have said that “war is merely the continuation of policy by other means.” It may be more accurate to say that politics is the continuation of warfare by other means. There are winners who get the power and what comes with it, and losers who forfeit power and pay. This isn’t like business competition in which my win only affects your future revenue stream. In politics, my win comes at your expense through the violence of state action. That’s what gives this moment prescience.

Watching the state’s political gears in motion is an ongoing exhibition of low-grade warfare that seems to demand that we fight or take cover. We all have some sense, whether true or not, that so much is at stake. Then you look at the epic unpopularity of the candidates and it is truly amazing. If the Republican weren’t running, the Democrat would be the most despised candidate for the presidency in American history. Then you add to that the beyond-belief loathing of the GOP candidate and you really do gain a sense of the seeming hopelessness of it all.

And talk about divisive! Look at these angry rallies, the screaming for destruction of the enemy. And this has spilled over to social media. We are all losing friends. People we used to hang out with we no longer speak to. Whole population groups are feeling afraid of what’s coming – and this is true of everyone no matter their race, religion, or gender. Predictions of the coming doom are everywhere around us.

And there is a sense in which they are all correct. As Bastiat explained, the state turns people against each other, shattering the harmony of interests that normally characterizes human life. Watching the state’s political gears in motion is an ongoing exhibition of low-grade warfare that seems to demand that we fight or take cover. The shrillest voices, the meanest temperaments, and the most amoral plotters are the ones who dominate, while virtues such as wisdom, charity, and justice are blotted out.

Is it any wonder that this is not exactly uplifting of the human spirit?

The Lessons

What if the whole of life worked like the political sector? It would be unrelenting misery, with no escape, ever. As it is, this is not the case. We should be thankful for it, and remember that the thing that makes life wonderful, beautiful, and loving is not crushing your enemy with a political weapon but rather the gains that come from turning would-be enemies into friends in an environment of freedom."
And yet: if you choose not to care about politics, you will find that politics does care about you. As the "little people" found out under Obama - the heritage politicians will enrich themselves and their cronies, and only them. If 8 years of Obama hasn't proven that to you, then you are incorrigibly intractable in your ignorance.

That's what put us where we are today. The election of a half-black, ultra-liberal to the presidency, not once but twice, is the result of an ignorant populace which voted based on race. The second time cinched the suspicion. That person did not deserve re-election by any objective standard. It was race and political correctness that elected him. And that's why we are where we are.

That it has taken these two specific people as candidates in order to get the voters to pay attention is the saddest commentary which can be made on the American voter. The second saddest thing is that half the country thinks that the criminal, treasonous, chronic liar should be president due to the characteristics of her genitalia. Nothing else matters to roughly 50% of the nation.

That half of the nation deserves what it gets. I hope that it is not her. Either way, they will not be happy with the result.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Ok then, Hillary

Morality War

Seasonal Fashions for Dems

Encouraging Men to Self-Castrate in order to Placate Feministas

Do Men Need Safe Spaces?

"Imagine the howls of social justice outrage if a major university’s Men’s Studies Department (if that were even a thing) created a program for women to re-examine and deconstruct their toxic femininity, or if a White Studies Department (bear with me here) launched a program for blacks to rethink and dismantle their toxic blackness, or if the campus straight community hosted an event for LGBTs to reject their toxic sexuality, and so on. The architects of such offensive programs would be tarred and feathered.

A culturally acceptable version of these scenarios, however, is precisely what is beginning to spread on campuses across the country now. The Duke Men’s Project, launched this month and hosted by the Duke University Women’s Center, offers a nine-week program for “male-identified” students to address such “toxic” masculine issues as male privilege, patriarchy, the language of dominance, rape culture, pornography, and machismo.

One member of the Men’s Project leadership team said the goal is to create a safe space for male students in which to “critique and analyze their own masculinity and toxic masculinities to create healthier ones.” Another member of the leadership team said the program would help men “proactively deconstruct our masculinity.”

The Duke program is patterned after a similar one at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill—co-sponsored and supported by the Carolina Women’s Center—in which participants are asked to consider how masculinity plays a harmful influence in their lives. The goal of that program is “to shift the culture of masculinity toward more non-violent norms,” suggesting that violence is the norm among men."
Men must become women if they are to be allowed into the all-new, feminized, world of emasculation-as-policy. A "healthy" masculinity is that which is defined by those who hate actual masculinity. Those feminists need men to be totally deferential and subservient to the narcissistic female class. The problem is that they hope to accomplish that by girl-whining. That's not a major influence on actual men. And the other problem is that feminists also don't like trans-women any better than they like actual men. So self-castrated men won't find any acceptance, even after they totally self-efface and grovel at the feminista feet.

Feminist: "End Orgasm Privilege NOW!"

Feminist Writer Says We Need to Put an End to ‘Orgasm Privilege’

There’s a new front in the war against the Patriarchy: “Orgasm privilege”

In a scathing article, one feminist writer says it’s the reason why women don’t climax on par with men in the bedroom. In the piece, which includes a warning that “whilst it discusses vaginas, under no circumstances do genitals determine gender,” feminist journalist Lauren Ingram urges women to pick up the fight and demand equality in orgasms.

Well, since there is a feminist movement to incarcerate all men, and keep them completely away from the lesbian/feministas, it would seem that this complaint is trivial in the overall feminist scheme of things. But then again, there is nothing about feminism which demands, or even recognizes, actual coherence within the many feminista demands on the Other. Coherence apparently is a patriarchy-thingy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Natural Selection of Bad Science

Study warns that science as we know it is evolving into something shoddy and unreliable
Proving yet again that entropy (principle of physics) supersedes the evolutionary claim of accumulation of beneficial features, including within "science" itself.

Who is to blame here? Just the Atheists who made Darwinist story telling into THE Science of all Sciences, akin to Physics if Physics were as cool as evolution.

Now that story-telling is all that is needed, science can produce pretty much any claim it wants to be true, create stories about it, and declare it to be True, scientifically speaking of course. Unfortunately that renders much of science to be logically absurd, and its practitioners to be trusted at the approximate level of politicians, child molesters and Atheists. (I'm sure there is a Venn diagram of that somewhere...).

Lawless Monarchs of the West

Germany Knowingly Let in Migrants with Fake Passports
As Vox Day observes,
"We are truly entering revolutionary times. The governments of the West now openly harbor more contempt for their nations than the historical European monarchs ever did.

How much do you have to hate your own people to knowingly break the law in order to invite the Turk inside the gates?"
How is it NOT possible that these Trojan Horse passport carriers include ISIS killers? This goes for Obama's open border, catch and release illegal aliens as well as the EU's. Britain might have used Brexit to stop this insanity... hopefully not too late.