Saturday, June 10, 2017

Chris Matthews: We Have to Stop Looking Like the Fools We Are, Sometime - Like Now.

Chris Matthews: Trump-Russia collusion theory 'came apart' with Comey testimony

Liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews said Thursday the accusation that President Trump directly colluded with Russia to interfere in the U.S. election "came apart" following former FBI Director James Comey's testimony in front of Congress.

In his written and spoken testimony on Thursday, Comey said that he never felt that Trump had tried to impede the FBI's investigation into Russia, even that the president had encouraged it and he suggested that former national security adviser Mike Flynn wasn't at the heart of the investigation.

"The assumption of the critics of the president, of his pursuers, you might say, is that somewhere along the line in the last year is the president had something to do with colluding with the Russians … to affect the election in some way," Matthews said on MSNBC, following the testimony.

"And yet what came apart this morning was that theory," Matthews said, listing two reasons why. First, he said Comey revealed that "Flynn wasn't central to the Russian investigation," and secondly, he said that kills the idea that Flynn might have been in a position to testify against Trump.

"And if that's not the case, where's the there-there?" Matthews said.

Marxism, Antifa, and Utopian Fundamentalism

It is not uncommon for a Leftist (Atheist by definition) to deny the existence of objective morality and yet still claim the moral high ground and moral superiority to ancient moral codes which have been in place for millennia (the exception being Islam, which can do no wrong). The AtheoLefist moral code is purely pragmatism and personal proclivity which is put in place at the convenience of the individual.

Not only can the individual's moral code change at a moment's notice, it can also change based solely upon the person being addressed. This has been made nakedly obvious with the advent of the successful revolution of the Deplorables in the elections of 2016. It seems impossible not to observe daily the hatred and foulness of the language of the AtheoLeft, yet accompanied by the attendant moral hyperventilation of a self-evident presupposition of moral authority vested totally in AtheoLeftism.

Leftism is thus a fundamentalist religion. It incorporates personal moral authority to make moral judgment in the social Darwinists who must, morally of course, drive humanity in the perpetual progress toward values-free, total equalitarian, hive-think and top-down social/political/economic control of the New Man. In other words, progress toward communist utopia.

The 20th Century communist utopias which actually came forcefully to fruition are ignored due to their mass-murders, genocides, population control through internal purges, failures to feed populations which starved, political prisons, political assassinations and other discomfiting facts which always accompany dictatorships. Communism, say the professors, has never been really tried.

Well, Marxist class war in pursuit of violently enforced communes certainly has been tried.

The current AtheoLeft is true to superficial equalities, those of skin color (but not cis-white), sex/gender (but not cis-male), sexual preference (but not cis-hetero-), and NOT equalities of thought, moralities, or first principles. BadThink is punished, and the new KKK quasi-terrorist arm of the AtheoLeft is the black-masked Antifa enforcer band of political thought thugs. The analogy to the KKK is astonishing, right down to the masked, anonymous, burning and destruction, and attempts to instill fear through violence. It's all in service to the bigotry of denying the validity and rights of those who they hate. For the AtheoLeft, such violence and hatred is moral, even morally required, in order to preserve the march of progress toward the communist dictatorships of utopia.

Each communist experiment of the recent historical past had its equivalent of the KKK/Antifa. Whether they were KKK, Brown Shirts, Red Army, Cultural Revolutionaries, Shining Path, Sandinistas, or just communist mountain guerrilla rebels, they are all the same: genocidal killers in pursuit of utopia, which they will control. Some have even been elected, only to ultimately set the troops on the now starving electorate. In their essence, they all are the same: morally endowed to enforce utopia, even with the blood of the populace.

The AtheoLeft is the fundamentalist religion of utopia through violence and conquest.

Purported Antifa Pamphlet, purging the white race by eradicating the white children in a necessary eugenic genocide, to enable utopia:

Friday, June 9, 2017

So Why The Outrage?

Outrage as Saudi Arabian Soccer Players Refuse to Honor Moment of Silence for London Terror Attacks
It should be an expectation of Muslims that they will respect jihadis, not the victims of jihadis. To expect otherwise is a symptom of insanity, especially after so many demonstrations of such behaviors provide firm evidence which proves that to be true.

Answer: Yes, Because...

...they are primarily Leftist/communists, not gay rights activists (unless it is convenient). Even Muslims who hate and kill gays get higher ranking than gays in the Messiah-allocated Victimhood hierarchy. All candidates for Victimhood status should understand that when their usefulness evaporates, it's "under the bus" for you.
Can Charlotte Pride parade exclude Gays for Trump float?

Muslims: Never, Ever Violent, Until They Are Violent

Nursery worker is left with broken ribs and needing stitches after she was punched and kicked to the ground and slashed with a Stanley knife by three girls shouting 'Allah will get you'
Victim, named as 'Katie, worked at the Little Diamonds Nursery in Hermon Hill

Karrien Stevens, who runs the nursery, said staff member was on way to work

Victim was dragged to floor and stabbed as attackers chanted 'Allah', she said

Schools in the area were on put 'lockdown' after the attack just after 9.30am

A Metropolitan Police spokesman could not confirm if the force were investigating a hate crime or whether the attackers were known to the victim.
Ah, these high spirited, carefree, harmless Islamic kids these days. Trying so hard to assimilate... And the sweethearts didn't mean anything by "Allah will get you" - it's just a childhood chant, like "ring around the rosie". But what about the Anti-Islamic reaction by the evil non-Leftists who take unwarranted offense at these sweet little Muslim children (we should try to get to know their foods like Hillary sez, that will solve every little misunderstanding like children stabbing adults on the ground).

The Lost History of Antifa

72 years after the triumph over Nazism, we look back to postwar Germany, when socialists gave birth to Antifa.

Primarily, they were originally communist, allied with socialists.

Today's antifa is also composed primarily of communist thugs. Not really fighting fascism, of course, but fighting every thought which is not communist, and therefore is fascist (no middle ground, no capitalist free thinking). That includes constitutional federalism a la USA per the founders, which is now defined as fascism under the new All Leftist Dictionary Definitions for Revolutionaries. I know, that's not a real dictionary. But it is the modus operendi of the hive think of the Left. If it is NOT Leftist/communist, then it is fascist by definition and therefore cannot be allowed (i.e., must be destroyed). Antifa = destruction & mayhem & totalitarianism.


Movie: The Giver
Dystopia in the flavor of modern SJW shut-down of independent thought, behavior, speech and interaction, all monitored extensively, and with consequences.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Nobody's Lying? That's "Literally Farcical"
The leakers and other "experts" are full of crap. Trump has not, as far as I can tell, lied. He has considered changing his mind on a few things, and I find that objectionable. But he has not lied about anything.

Those claiming otherwise - are the LIARS.

Brietbart Goes Full CUCK

Breitbart Editor Katie McHugh: I Was Fired for Anti-Muslim Tweets
Memo to: Breitbart Cucks
Re: Muslims/Islam and the New Breitbart Crap-Weaselism.

1. "Muslim" is not a race. Therefore, it is not racist to criticize Islam.

2. Muslims are not violent, until s/he/they are violent. Then they are very violent.

3. The real Breitbart would go crazy on all you PC-addled, Leftist-SJW virtue-signalling crap-weasels.

4. You are dead to me, traitors.

Please Rot,

The "Bastards Bikers"

The Leftist biker club, The Bastards, is a threat to Right Wingers, if you fear plastic water bottles and cell phones.
A New Wave of Left-Wing Militants Is Ready to Rumble in Portland—and Beyond
Redneck Revolt and other groups have pledged to resist right-wing extremists by any means necessary.

Supporting diversity, the all-male, all-white group of skinny, confused-looking wannabe thugs will "Resist" something or other. The world is racist/sexist doncha know, and so are the Bastards, obviously, but that's different. Read the Rules For Lefties handbook.