Saturday, November 11, 2017

From James Woods

Antifa "No Hate" Attack
Guy with the long club seems to be coming in for the kid...

Good thing they are non-violent except for self-defense...

Today's List of Accusations

Steven Seagal, by Jenny McCarthy

George Takei, by Scott R. Brunton

Guardian editor Ian Prior (and two others), by several female staffers.

Rolling Stone Founder Jann Wenner, by writer Ben Ryan

‘Atomic Blonde’ Producer David Guillod of Rape, by actress Jessica Barth and three other women.

The BIG list: After Weinstein: A List of Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct and the Fallout for Each

Thursday, November 9, 2017

More Daily Sex Harrassment News

Representative Behind Sexual Harassment Bill Accused of Ignoring Claims About Top Aide

Rep. Brenda Lawrence thinks Congress needs to do something about sexual harassment following all that has occurred following Harvey Weinstein's fall from grace. It's the typical knee-jerk reaction from a politician who feels it's imperative to be seen taking action.

One problem, though. Several women have voiced complaints about her own chief of staff, according to a report at Politico. Lawrence reportedly has taken no action on this alleged harassment in her own office.

Three women who used to work for Lawrence claim they told the congresswoman directly about how they had been treated by Dwayne Duron Marshall. Two explicitly stated that his inappropriate comments and physical contact were the reasons they left their jobs there.

Despite the complaints, Marshall still works for the Democrat from Michigan.
It's really just a problem for others, not for her.

The Attack On Ron Paul Was Obviously a Hate Crime By a Cowardly Leftist Hater

Which is why the media is making up stories to cover for the Leftist, Democrat PERP.
Rand Paul's neighbors rip media 'landscaping dispute' reports
The media is both complicit and cowardly haters as well.

This was an attack on the USA as a whole. Perhaps it qualifies as treason?

Free Fire Zones Opened to Civilian Protection

Michigan Senate OKs concealed pistol carry in schools, churches, day care centers

LANSING — The Michigan Senate approved legislation Wednesday allowing the concealed carry of handguns in places that have traditionally been off limits to guns, such as schools, churches, day care centers, bars and stadiums.

The three-bill package, which now moves to the state House, passed the Senate in 25-12 votes, over strong objections from Democrats, one day after it cleared a Senate committee.

Emotions ran high, particularly in light of Sunday's massacre at a Baptist church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, that left 26 people dead and 20 more injured.

Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof, R-West Olive, and other proponents said Sunday's tragedy made the legislation more timely than ever, on the theory that having responsible armed gun owners in churches or schools could deter, stop or minimize such attacks.

Meekhof said the vast majority of mass killings occur in gun-free zones and "citizens have the right to be safe and secure and defend themselves and their loved ones."

What Would It Take For the EU to Learn?

Tests Reveal ‘Child Refugee’ Who Raped and Murdered EU Official’s Daughter Is Between 22 and 30 Years Old
Gosh, can it be wrong when "all cultures are equally valid"? The poor kid just hadn't fully assimilated yet, right?

Today in Stupid

California NAACP Denounces ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ as ‘Racist,’ ‘Anti-Black People’

‘USA Today’ Warns of ‘Chainsaw Bayonet’ AR-15 Attachments
Also forgot the AR15 nuclear ICBM launcher.

Too Funny: Lefty Self-Therapy

WATCH: Liberals Gather to Scream at the Sky
They're not OK with an expanding economy, I s'pose. But they're good with defying immigration laws while demanding tighter gun laws on actual citizens.

So screamers: enjoy your $15 minimum wage for the 20 minutes you have it before your layoff, OK? And take a coupla tokes and get a good nights sleep, so you can stand in line for an unemployment check...

Wow. A Threefer

First Openly Transgender Black Woman Elected to Public Office in the U.S.
But will white feministas accept her...? Maybe not: No ovaries, no period, no lifetime of sexual oppression - not a real woman.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Can't Make This Stuff Up

Transgender Makeup Artist Leads Thousands of Occultists in Monthly Hexes on Trump

Doesn't seem to be working...

She Went Off the Reservation. Don't EVER Go Off the Reservation

Well, Whoopi: Was This Rape-Rape Or Not??

Five more women come forward to accuse Roman Polanski of sexual assault - including one who says she was just nine when he attacked her
Five more women say Polanski, now 84, attacked them between 1969 and 1976
One says he fondled her under the table at a dinner party with Jack Nicholson
She says she was 15 when the 1976 alleged attack happened in Gstaad
Their claims bring the total number of women to accuse him of assault to 10
In 1977, he attacked 13-year-old Samantha Geimer who he drugged and raped
He went on the run in 1978 to avoid being jailed for it and remains a fugitive
Four others previously said the film director attacked them in the 60s, 70s and 80s
Whoopi is a rape-apologist, one of the worst. Is she possibly complicit somehow?

Nolte Nails It

Nolte: No Coincidence Pro-Rape Hollywood and Media are Anti-Gun

By my count, more than 90 women have come forward to accuse disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein of everything from the very worst kinds of sexual harassment to straight-up rape.


Assuming even half of those allegations are true, is it any wonder that Weinstein is so stridently anti-gun? Is it confusing to anyone exactly why an alleged serial sexual predator would devote so much of his energy and wealth towards disarming the public?
Weinstein, however, appears to be the least of it…

According to the latest numbers, there are 67 men in Hollywood who stand accused of abusing women and children. A few of those men are even accused of abusing other men. Moreover, the Hollywood Reporter reveals that “these stories are just the tip of the iceberg. Even now, my colleagues here and elsewhere are on the hunt, chasing hundreds of tips about harassment in many and varied forms[.]”

Imagine that. Those 67 are merely the “tip of the iceberg.”

Hundreds, maybe thousands of victims; their lives forever destroyed by powerful men who see vulnerable women as little more than blow-up dolls created to serve their sexual deviancy.

Is it any wonder, then, that Hollywood, a town ruled by left-wing men, an institution dedicated to sexual abuse and shielding those abusers, is anti-gun, would prefer their pool of victims defenseless?

And it is not just Hollywood.

There is also our national media.

High-powered men work(ed) for NBC News, ABC News, NPR, Vox, the New Republic, the New York Times. Mother Jones… all accused of various forms of misconduct towards women.

If these allegations are true, is it any wonder that the powerful men who guide these media outlets, who shape conventional wisdom within the media, would prefer an unarmed populace, would feel better knowing a woman cannot suddenly equalize a situation with a firearm?

Watch this 78-second video, watch a seething Mark Halperin attempt to humiliate one of his alleged victims, Emily Miller, over the issue of guns:

Halperin stands accused of masturbating in front of women, rubbing his clothed erection up against women, throwing women up against walls… If guilty, should we be surprised that such a man would be so hostile towards a female Second Amendment advocate, an apostle for the idea of women arming themselves?

CNN’s Chris Cuomo believes 12 year-old girls should be exposed to a penis. Of course he is anti-gun.

Alec Baldwin, an admitted sexist bully, is anti-gun.

Gee, I wonder why a monster addicted to bullying those weaker than him is opposed to an equalizer?

We have been told again and again and again and again, that in Hollywood and in the elite media, EVERYONE KNEW, it was an OPEN SECRET.
Thought experiment…

The year is 1992 and Hollywood becomes an industry filled with women who purchase firearms, get the NRA training available to safely learn how to use them, and obtain the permits required to carry what is the only tool available that puts them on equal footing with an abusive man.

In that culture, some 25 years later, do we have a Harveywood scandal? Are there 90 women coming forward to allege the anti-gun Weinstein raped and harassed them?

Now do the same thought experiment with our elite media.

Men who rape, assault, grope, harass, or masturbate in front of women, are not driven by sexual attraction. This appalling behavior is about demeaning, degrading, humiliating, shattering, and debasing women — it is purely a power thing.

And the last thing powerful abusers want is a victim able to immediately equalize the situation through the simple act of reaching into a purse.

Our media and entertainment industries are infected with powerful men who contemplate a city full of helpless, unarmed women like a lion contemplates a herd of gazelle.

There are countless reasons our Morning Joe-elites so desire a helpless population, and not a single one of those reasons has to do with stopping mass-shooters. Despite all these terrible events, not a single elite calling for more gun control can come up with a law that would have stopped even one of these massacres. In other words…

Our elites are not in favor of gun control to stop mass-shootings, rather, they are in favor of using mass-shootings to push the gun control that will result in a more vulnerable populace that is easier to control and victimize.

Hollywood and media elites are all about consolidating power through a centralized government, all about gushing over dictators like Fidel Castro, Che Guevera, Hugo Chavez, and all about making their dreams come true by means of an overreaching government able to bully helpless Americans.

That same philosophy, of course, applies to men who abuse women. Their worst nightmare is a woman with a gun and the training to use it.

So of course our pro-rape media and pro-rape entertainment industry spend billions of corporate dollars on propaganda designed to keep their victims defenseless.

Of course they do.

Report: Manhattan D.A. to Indict Weinstein on Rape Charges Next Week

Victims Speak

Starts at 1:45:
Concept: Open Secret equals normalized behavior, accepted by total culture..

Rose McGowan's Story:

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Sologamy: It's a Thing

Woman Who Married Herself Cheats On Herself

In 2015 a PR consultant in Britain named Sophie Tanner married herself and even had her father give her away.

But Sophie (and presumably Sophie since she married herself so there must be two of her? I don’t think I have the hang of this yet) is making headlines again. Poor Sophie (or maybe Sohpie, I’m not sure which) has gone and cheated on herself. Yup, this is an actual headline from UK’s The Week: “Woman who married herself ‘cheats on herself.” (I couldn’t make this stuff up, folks.)

It seems that Sophie had a relationship with another sologamist, Ruari Barrett, who used to be a polyamorist but married himself in Vegas. (I’m sorry, I give up.) But I guess Ruari wasn’t over the whole polyamory thing because he had an extramarital affair with Sophie, which counts as cheating even though neither one of them was actually married to anybody else. I’ve been told this is actually not a joke.

The Man With a Gun Who Stopped the Texas Church Shooter

Well, At Least It's Something, Even If Not Much

The Latte Left

Monday, November 6, 2017

David Brooks, Token LARP Conservative, Can No Longer Protect the Left

David Brooks: Those Of Us Trying To Rebut Trump Have The Disadvantage That "Our Elites Really Do Stink"

And this is an advantage," Brooks said during a discussion of possible Clinton-DNC collusion.

"It was sort of an open secret that the DNC was on Hillary Clinton’s side," Brooks said on Friday's NewsHour. "We saw it from the schedule of the debates all through the year. They didn’t want to have them, because they didn’t want to give Sanders the platform."

"This goes beyond what even I imagined was the level of collusion. It’s a pretty sleazy economic takeover of a party apparatus, against the bylaws of that apparatus. It’s just not something a normal campaign that respects institutions and how things should work should do. And so they colluded, apparently, according to Donna Brazile, in a pretty major way. And if you were a Sanders person, you have every right to be completely upset," the NYT columnist said.
"OPEN SECRET"?? Just like the massive sexual corruption of other Leftist organizations, they knew; it was obvious; they ignored and denied it. They, the MSM, COLLUDED with the "inevitable Hillary" crowd, INSTEAD of doing any investigative reporting whatsoever. They are all sleaze, all the time, including David Brooks, the Token Play-like Conservative on PBS, etc.

Acquaintance: Texas Church Shooter was an Atheist

Texas church shooting: Who is gunman Devin Patrick Kelley?

"Lialonnie Leos, who attended New Braunfels High School with Kelley, told Fox News the gunman was "a quiet kid" who wasn't popular, but "had his share of friends."

Leos said Kelley recently added her on Facebook and would share things about guns and Atheism on his timeline."
Given that information, it will soon be determined whether he also was a Leftist, as are most Atheists.

Yes. I'll Turn My Guns and Pickup Truck in to the DNC. Yep. I Sure Will. Yessir. To the DNC: Party of Love and Brotherhood.

Preemptively Speaking, Stay Out of Back Alleys, Donna

He Has the Receipt, Signed by Hillary

Cultural Diversity

Instantaeous Moral Change

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Senator Survives a Second Politically Motivated Physical Attack

Sen. Paul assaulted at home; neighbor arrested
According to Austin Bay, the real headline is well buried, and should read:
“Republican 2016 Presidential Candidate Who Survived Assassination Attempt By Bernie Sanders Supporter Is Physically Assaulted By Angry Kentucky Democrat.”
The "journalism" clade is burying the mass murder of Republicans attempt by Bernie-ista James Hodgkinson as the Republicans practiced baseball in an open field. Leftist amnesia strikes immediately after Leftist shootings/killings.