Saturday, December 30, 2017

MSM Probably Not Interested In This...

‘Death to the Dictator! Death to Rouhani!’: Thousands Protest the Government in Iran

Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of Iran over the past few days, speaking out against both the “hardline” government of the ayatollahs and the supposedly “moderate” secular government of President Hassan Rouhani.

“Death to the dictator!” and “Death to Rouhani” are chants heard in at least eight Iranian cities, and the movement appears to be spreading.

Huma: Destined For the Clink?

State Department releases Huma Abedin emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop

The State Department on Friday released a batch of work-related emails from the account of top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin that were discovered by the FBI on a laptop belonging to Abedin's estranged husband, Anthony Weiner, near the end of the 2016 presidential campaign.

At least four of the documents released Friday are marked "classified."

If You Thought Planned Parenthood Doesn't Need Taxpayer Funding to do Abortions...

...then consider this:
A Planned Parenthood clinic in Iowa that has performed abortions for nearly two decades has closed after the state diverted taxpayer funds to community health centers that do not perform abortions.

“After nearly two decades in the Quad Cities, on Friday, December 29, 2017, Planned Parenthood of the Heartland (PPHeartland) will officially close their Bettendorf location, a move directly resulting from defunding by extreme Iowa lawmakers,” the abortion giant announced in a press statement Wednesday.

Suzanna de Baca, PPHeartland President and CEO said, “Gov. Kim Reynolds and anti-woman lawmakers forced us to make some extremely difficult changes this year in order to continue providing care for as many patients as possible.”
PP is - along with being killers - a deplorable parasite on the taxpayer:
Judge Upholds Controversial Bill Requiring Taxpayers to Fund Abortions in Illinois

Definitely NOT B. Hussein Obama

Could 2018 Possibly Be Worse?

Death Wishes From The Left

From Instapundit:

● What Changes Will We Make After the Giffords Shooting?
—Alec Baldwin, the Huffington Post, January 15, 2011.

● HuffPost Editor Reveals New Year’s Resolution: ‘Kill All Men.’
—The Daily Caller, yesterday.

As Jon Gabriel wrote at Ricochet in June after a self-professed Bernie Bro shot Republican Congressman Steve Scalise, “Democrats want it both ways and, considering the media’s left-wing views, they usually get it. But it’s impossible for voters to believe their ‘love trumps hate’ slogans when hate is nearly all they offer.”

Professors Professing Progressive Perfidy

Marxist Professor Calls For Violent Overthrow of US Government

Feminist Professor Praises 'Happy Abortions' in New Book

Prof: punishing protesters promotes 'white supremacy'

Child Sex Trafficking - Yes, It's a Thing

I have been against the death penalty ever since DNA has been used to release unjustly convicted prisoners. Prosecution has proven to be an uncontrolled venue of scoundrels. Still, there's this.
Child sex trafficking – as easy in Seattle as ordering a pizza

When she disappeared, Nacole’s husband drove the streets of Seattle looking for their little girl. Almost two weeks later, Seattle Police called the parents saying they’d found the runaway daughter.

“She looked completely different than she had 10 days before. Her hair was cut. It was colored. Her fingernails had been done. She had completely different clothes,” she says. “On the way home she started telling us that she had been held captive in Everett, and that she had been raped and that she had been made to work the streets.”

If you’re a parent, pause for a few seconds and imagine how you’d feel after hearing your child say she – or he, sex trafficking happens to boys too – had just been forced into prostitution.

“As parent you just, you,” Nacole says with her voice trailing off. “In hindsight, I think my entire family was in shock. We just said, ‘okay, you’re more than the sum of these 10 days we’re going to get through this as a family.'”

Nacole thought the ordeal was over.

It happened again.

Supply and demand: both need to be eradicated, swiftly, totally, permanently and without compassion.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Stupidity Never Sleeps

Arab DNC [Democrat National Committee] Leader Denounces Rachael Ray's 'Cultural Genocide' in Calling Food 'Israeli'

Zogby jumped into the fray, declaring, "Damn it Rachael Ray. This is cultural genocide. It's not Israeli food. It's Arab (Lebanese, Palestinian, Syrian, Jordanian). First the Israelis take the land & ethnically cleanse it of Arabs. Now they take their food & culture & claim it's theirs too! Shame."
Given that Israel has a substantial population of Arabs (25%), how many Democrat lies can we count in the Zogby rant, above?

Profiting From Kiddie-Trans

“TransKids” Site Sells Prosthetic Penises for “Trans” Little Girls to Wear
This obviously leaves little boys who 'need' a vagina out in the cold. But who cares - they're males and don't count. For photos and pricing on little girl penises, go to the site.

Pervnado at PETA

LGBT as Revolutionaries in Pursuit of Raw, Irrational Power

From Spiked:
This year, however, the LGBT movement has turned to the dark side in earnest. The corporate, governmental and celebrity bullying of North Carolina’s decision to forbid people with penises using public toilets designated for women might prove to be significant. And now, this week, news comes that businesses in New York City will face fines under a new law that makes it a violation of someone’s human rights not to use their preferred gender pronoun. Henceforth, employees, landlords and businesses who refuse to refer to transgender people with terms such as ‘ze’ and ‘hir’ will be in violation of the New York City human-rights law.

‘Where will it end?’, you may ask. To which the answer is, ‘it won’t’. Christian churches will be next in line, then gender differentiation in schools and hospitals. Those who fight in the name of liberation will always demand more, even when the revolutionary movement has surpassed the boundary of reality into fantasy – in this case, the state enshrining in law, with penalties for those who disobey it, someone’s belief that ‘he’ is a ‘she’ because he simply believes it so.

The impetus for change and the desire to seize power is inherent to revolutionary movements, whether they be communist, Nazi, Islamist, trans or animal rights. Once human beings become subordinate to abstract notions of equality and the future, people become expendable. ‘The future is the only transcendental value for men without God’, said Camus. Thus revolutionaries must forever meddle with the present, because tomorrow never comes.
Rational folks are starting to catch on to the underlying tyrannical motives of every single Leftist movement.

One of the Costs of Stupidity

Monday Night Football Hits All Time Ratings Low on ESPN.

...based on these numbers ESPN has lost around 35% of its Monday Night Football audience since 2010. As if that weren’t enough, ESPN has also let it be known that they may not be keeping Monday Night Football when this deal expires because the company can no longer afford to pay $2 billion a year thanks to collapsing subscriber numbers, increased costs for other sports programming, and the dwindling ratings on their network.”

Pervnado Marches On

Fired BuzzFeed White House Reporter Is 45th Member of Elite Media Accused of Misconduct

Not My Fault! Nope. Nuh Uh! Nonono. It's All Trump's Fault.

When Shrew-ishness goes wrong:
Kathy Griffin Blames Trump for Professional Consequences of Trump Beheading Photo
Actually she, herself, generated a Trump Win. Good'n, Kath.

Pervnado: Obama Administration

The Left's War on Women, Institutionalized:
DOJ Criticizes Alleged ‘Systemic’ Sexual Misconduct Given ‘Free Pass’ During Obama Admin
IF [no truth], THEN [no morals];

IF [no morals], THEN [Anything goes because there cannot be any corruption by definition]

Raw Power and Moral Condemnation

The video in the previous post takes us to the root of the massive, shrieking irrationality of the Left. At one point, Jordan Peterson cuts through the flak and reaches the basis for all of the posturing and squealing which characterizes Democrats and the Left: Power. Power through false moralization and moral condemnation.

This has been particularly acute during the final days of the Tax Bill, as it approached acceptance. There being no actual moral case to be made, the Left – including Pelosi and Schumer – fabricated evils which did not and do not exist, and made constant public displays of “moral” outrage at the false "attacks which the Republicans were making on" … well, on the helpless but holy Victimhood Class.

By keeping the focus of the MSM sycophants on the faux moral outrage rather than the facts of the bill, the Left was exerting the only remaining power which it has to keep their own troops from defecting.

This relates to the use of moral outrage to control. Moral outrage is power. When one cannot force the Deplorables into gulags, then the Deplorables must be controlled by the power of outraged moral condemnation. It doesn’t matter what the specifics of the moral principle are. What matters is whether the outrage works to the favor of the Left.

That is the explanation for the bizarre positions which the Left takes: each position must be the opposite of whatever principles or beliefs the Deplorables have. This constant inversion of morality is necessary, absolutely necessary, in order to be morally outraged that the Deplorables are against the all-new Leftist moral inversions. Other than morally inverting Deplorable’s historical morality, the Left has just the one fundamental principle: Attain Power, all of it. Hillary was supposed to have done that. She actually cut the Left loose.

The Left could not generate moral outrage and condemnation by using the historical morality of the Deplorables. If they used that morality, they would have no power whatsoever. It is absolutely essential that they invent new principles which are direct contradictions of the historical Deplorable morality.

And that explains not only the lathered, blithering histrionics of the Left now that it has no other power (even in the deep state, it now appears). It also explains the complete anti-rationalism which attaches to the moral outrage approach to power. It explains why the Left uses Classism: to focus moral outrage on the Oppressor Class.

For the Left, any tactic is moral if it produces power over the Deplorables. And that explains things such as body trails. Body trails were acceptable to Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, the Castros and Che, and now Maduro (the current example of the power of the Left to destroy the populace, especially opposition).

Alinsky must be laughing in his grave.

Consider these Leftist inversions:
Abortion. Inversion and denormalization of the value of human life by use of a Kill Class.

Homosexuality. Inversion and denormalization of heterosexual monogamy and family.

Gender Spectrum. Inversion and denormalization of binary biological sexual identity.

Racism and Anti-whiteness. Inversion and denormalization of classless society.

Multiculturalism/Intersectionality. Inversion of acculturalization and exceptionalism of western freedoms.

Equalitarianism. Inversion of individualism and merit-based rewards.

Triggers and Microaggressions. Inversion of traditional tolerance of differences.

Trump Derangement Syndrome. Inversion of rational assessment; power through moral outrage, false attributions and name calling (Ad Hominem Abusive).

Secularism/Humanism/Atheism. Inversion of the traditional cultural principles of Christianity and its influence on Western social and intellectual structures in Western nations. Substitution of the Leftist State as the source of everything "good".

Marxist Class War. Inversion of populism via the installation of messianic rebels and constant "revolution" as the power structure.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Fake-assed News Headline: Newsweek

Melania Trump Orders Removal of Near-200-Year-Old Tree From White House

Why? Spoils her view? Is she a tree speciesist? A hater-of-biology? No, the arborists found the tree to be rotten.

General Social Complexity, Mapped

whether you believe this construct depends on whether you believe that Secular = Rational. If not, then the map is useless. It is believed by its intellectual creators, who, in their own defense look down on "historically naive public intellectuals who can’t evaluate competing hypotheses". So this group of intellectuals is a cut above regular intellectuals. Just so you know.

Unlike Anthropology which admitted to not being actual science, Sociology still claims to be a science. However, the assignment of Values to the Variables is done, not by measuring them as a real science would do, but by accessing the expertise of the "cut above intellectuals", who just place numerics where they feel right about it.

This makes the chart above an exercise in Post Modern feelings (based in "expertise" not present in regular-Class intellectuals, of course). Expertise or not, it is still data-mongering where data is created, not discovered objectively, experimentally, and replicably. So it is not an empirical science by any stretch, and is therefore a Post Modern Construct wearing the stolen lab coat with the label "science" on it.

Pervnado Swirls California Statehouse

In California, harassment scandals roil ruling Democrats

Resignations and turmoil are upending 2018 plans.
Pelosi Spawn:
Among those who have been outspoken in their demands for more action is Christine Pelosi, chairwoman of the California Democratic Party Women’s Caucus and Nancy Pelosi’s daughter, who told lawmakers at the start of an Assembly hearing last month, “We have rapists in this building. We have molesters among us.”
Yes, they're all Democrats in La La Land.

Charlie Rose: Racist Sex Abuse?

Black, female ex-Charlie Rose staffer suggests racism because he didn't harass her
You have to be a special kind of stupid to even understand this special kind of stupid
But see: you don't have to understand; you only have to obey the Narrative. The Narrative cherishes Victimhood, not NON-Victimhood. She was denied her Victimhood Status as a double-dipper: 1. Female; 2. Black. She didn't get a hit on either count. That's gotta smart.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The State of Debate in the USA

The 2014 Cross Examination Debate Association's national championship was held at Indiana University. The all African American female team from Towson University defeated the all African American male team from the University of Oklahoma.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Atheism, Mutational Meltdown, and Mouse Utopia

While the correlation is less than perfect, the science works much better than Evolutionary tall tales.
Atheists are more likely to be left handed, study finds
Religiosity is a characteristic which has been shown to have a genetic component. Like left-handedness, deviation from religiosity might be a genetic deviation, or mutation. The significance of mutations in modern societies is modeled in the "Mouse Utopia" experiment:
Mouse Utopia and its Human Implications
Mice living indulgently in a utopian environment fail to cull weaknesses that appear in the genome. In the real world, weaker mice would be removed by predation. In the mouse utopia they perpetuate the genetic mutations until the entire population can no longer self-sustain.

The implication for humans is the same. Medication and preservation of the weakest also propagates through the human population as significant portions are no longer stressed into early demise. The generational effect within Britain is shown in the article linked.

The connection to Atheism and to Leftism becomes obvious, as AtheoLeftism fights for "free stuff" and "increased access for less qualified individuals", and use fictitious offenses to command power to themselves for no productive reason.

I suspect that the degradational affect on the amygdala in the brain is part of this mutational issue:
The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics: How Conservatism and Liberalism Evolved Within Humans, Third Edition