Friday, February 23, 2018

Democrat Perversion Prevention

Maybe they should require chastity belts for all 79 genders...
Embattled CA Dems Will Have 24-Hour Sexual Assault Hotline at Party Convention

California Democrats will have a 24-hour “sexual assault and harassment” hotline at this weekend’s party convention in San Diego as some top Democrats in the state have had to resign or come under fire because of allegations of sexual misconduct and harassment.

The party’s convention website reads:
Sexual Assault & Harassment Hotline We have worked with national survivor advocates to establish a 24-hour hotline during the three days of the Convention where Delegates have a safe and confidential way to report an assault or threatening behavior against themselves or others. Information about the Sexual Assault & Harassment Hotline will be provided to Delegates when they register, and will be posted throughout the Convention.

Additional Security Following current best practices, we are stepping up the level of visible security at our Convention this year. We are taking this step for several reasons. First, we want to ensure adequate personnel to respond to any reports we get from Delegates or from the Sexual Assault & Harassment Hotline. We also want to ensure that there are plenty of trained professionals who can de-escalate potential problems before they turn into situations that threaten your safety. Lastly, in the unlikely event of a natural disaster or other major incident, we want to make certain everyone in the Convention Center is safe and secure.
According to the Los Angeles Times, “questions have been raised about the freewheeling — and at times risky — behavior at state party conventions” in California Democratic circles.

On Thursday, just a day before the convention, Democrat Tony Mendoza, a state senator from Artesia, resigned after he faced expulsion over sexual harassment allegations. As Breitbart News has noted, Mendoza reportedly “made an unwanted advance toward a 19-year-old intern and gave her alcohol in a hotel suite at a 2008 Democratic Party convention.” An independent investigation released this week found that Mendoza also “more likely than not” engaged in inappropriate behavior “toward six of his female colleagues, including four subordinates.”

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Obama Has Stirred Up Latent Racism and Bickering With His Chicago Self-Tribute Temple

As Obama Presidential Center comes closer to reality, tensions on race, class surface

When Bronwyn Nichols Lodato began pushing to prevent a portion of Chicago’s Midway Plaisance from being developed into a parking garage by the Obama Foundation, she never expected to be criticized as anti-black.

After all, she is an African-American woman who has lived in Hyde Park for more than a decade and is sensitive to both the city’s racial tensions and the needs of her neighbors.
It's the only non-sexual/scatalogical expletive-type word they know, and they are not rigorous in applying it correctly, or even nearly so.
The loaded language and accusations prompted Juanita Irizarry of Friends of the Parks to send out an email pleading that race not become a central issue in discussions about the center.

“Increasingly folks who are in favor of the Obama Center have stood up at meetings and sent out emails saying anyone who disagrees or asks questions — they must be white, they must not care about black people and they must not care about economic development on the South Side,” said Irizarry, who is Hispanic. “It’s not neatly broken down by black and white or neatly broken down by class. To make it all about race is inappropriate — that’s not what Obama stood for. There needs to be more nuance.”

Actually it is exactly what Obama stood for. Any difference one might have with him while he "Ruled" was racist, racist, racist. No nuance, just agitation against dissent and ultimately, whiteness.
Sure, wealthy and white allies have joined in the push for a benefits agreement, Garel said. But their interest was mainly in keeping the community comfortable for them, and they haven’t stood firm on rent control or a property tax freeze. He said many of them don’t show up for protests, carry signs in the blistering cold, donate or write letters of support.

“There are poor black people here and (outsiders) want us out and to move upper class black people in,” he said. “They’ve got the money to donate to causes and move in circles I can’t.”
Interesting. Poor blacks don't want NOT poor class blacks around. So the neighborhood should remain poor and black in its nature.

Totally Predictable, as in Mentally Mechanical

Right on Cue, the switch is thrown and the mechanical response is made by the bot brained Leftists, reported and highly lauded.
Dem Sen Blumenthal: Trump’s Suggestion to Arm Teachers ‘Absolutely Abhorrent’
For the Left, Free Fire Zones are a protected "Right" given to the children.

THIS Is Why I Elected This Guy! (Yes, It Was Me - I Did It Myself)

Trump Tweets: ‘Gun free school is a magnet for bad people,’ Arm ‘Only the Best’ Teachers
FINALLY! A person in power says the unthinkable: protect the children: NO MORE FREE FIRE ZONES!
“Highly trained, gun adept, teachers/coaches would solve the problem instantly, before police arrive. GREAT DETERRENT!” Trump tweeted.

At a White House meeting late Wednesday with survivors of a shooting rampage at a Florida high school that killed 17 people, Trump suggested arming a select group of teachers to deter mass shootings.

“I never said ‘give teachers guns’ like was stated on Fake News @CNN &@NBC,” Trump tweeted.

“What I said was to look at the possibility of giving ‘concealed guns to gun adept teachers with military or special training experience – only the best. 20% of teachers, a lot, would now be able to

…immediately fire back if a savage sicko came to a school with bad intentions.

“Highly trained teachers would also serve as a deterrent to the cowards that do this. Far more assets at much less cost than guards. A ‘gun free’ school is a magnet for bad people. ATTACKS WOULD END!”

At the Wednesday meeting, billed as a “listening session,” Trump also promised “very strong” background checks on gun owners.
PLUS, make sure that schools and school districts which refuse this are referred to as "Free Fire Kill Zones" because that is what they are.

Watch the Left go nuclear. They hate guns more than they value children.

South Africa: All White-owned Land to be "Expropriated Without Compensation"

South Africa's Brand New President Wants To Confiscate Land From White Farmers

Authored by Simon Black via,

If you’ve been following much international news, you’ve probably heard that, after literally years of scandal, abuse, and incompetence, South Africa’s president Jacob Zuma was finally forced to resign last week.

This is a big deal for South Africa.

The country has been suffering for nearly a decade under Zuma’s corruption.

And people are certainly hoping that the new President, Cyril Ramaphosa, will represent a positive, new chapter for South Africa.

Yesterday Ramaphosa addressed the nation’s parliament in Cape Town and made clear that his priority is to heal the divisions and injustice of the past, going all the way back to the original European colonists in the 1600s taking land from the indigenous tribes.

Ramaphosa called this “original sin”, and stated that he wants to see “the return of the land to the people from whom it was taken… to heal the divisions of the past.”

How does he plan on doing that?

Confiscation. Specifically– confiscation without compensation.

“The expropriation of land without compensation is envisaged as one of the measures that we will use to accelerate redistribution of land to black South Africans.”
Ramaphosa minced no words: he’s talking about taking land from white farmers and giving it to black South Africans.

Astonishingly, he followed up that statement by saying, “We will handle it in a way that is not going to damage our economy. . .”

Wow, what a relief. For a minute it sounded like South Africa wants to do what Zimbabwe did several years ago.

Oh wait a minute.

That’s exactly what Zimbabwe did.
Perhaps we'll be experiencing an influx of white South African refugees... Won't that tick off the Left!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

More Aberrations, Selected From a Huge Number

Kris Kobach: Democrats’ ‘Dirty Little Secret’ Is Excluding Citizenship Question on U.S. Census

Delingpole: NOAA Caught Adjusting Big Freeze out of Existence

Nigeria Welcomes Top Venezuelan Diplomat, Sends Kim Jong-Un Flowers

Trump: I’ve Directed AG ‘to Propose Regulations to Ban All Devices That Turn Legal Weapons Into Machine Guns’

Obama's a Big Fan

FBI Round File

It's not Trump info, so who cares? Not the FBI.

Same-O, Same-O

Today's List of Aberrations

Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

CNN and MSNBC Helped Russia Sow Discord by Promoting Fake Anti-Trump Rally

Delaware students can now choose their own race. This should end well

Climatologist Dr Tim Ball Wins Epic Libel Court Battle

‘Concerned’ Mom & Creator of National School Walkout Protest for Gun Control Was Top CNN News Producer for Almost 20 Years

Facebook Says Group Wanting To Burn Christian Mom Alive Meets ‘Community Standards’

BUSTED VIDEO: Phony Sen. Warner Slams Donald Trump Jr. For Russian Meeting While Warner Was Secretly Colluding with Russians For Meetings

Richard Blumenthal concerned Trump may be colluding with China

WATCH: Gowdy Suggests Sid Blumenthal Is Key Dossier Source

Monday, February 19, 2018

Uncle Gropey-Feely's Free Fire / Sitting Duck Zone

Hey there, Uncle Gropey-Feely! Congrats on the continuing success of your Free Fire Zones!

6 Year Old Logic (and Donks, Too) vs Reality

Pinker Once Again Proves He's An Idiot

Harvard Professor Pinker: Where Was God When Florida Massacre Happened?
GOD WAS BANNED from the Leftist Free Fire zones. God lets the idiots like Pinker suffer their own consequences, which frequently severely affect innocent bystanders. Where were the NO GUNS freaks who should have enforced their idiot laws, and PROTECTED THE CHILDREN?? Hint: they don't actually care about children or they would allow their protection: but don't and won't:
The One Gun Law that Might Work Is One that Democrats Will Not Allow
If the Donks gave one single SHIT about children, then they would protect them. But instead they set them up as targets with no protection at all. In fact, children are sacrificed at the Democrat Altar of Gun and Self Protection Hatred.

Donks are flat-out evil.

Why Would the Donks Be Nervous About Mueller's Findings??

Because they know what they've done and what they deserve?
Getting nervous? Dem Sen. ‘warns’ Mueller not to release his findings near the election

Leftist Boilerplate-Think

It's all they've got, because Classism.

All UR Children Belong Us.

Ohio Christian Parents Lose Custody of 17-Year-Old Daughter for Refusing Her Transgender Drugs

In 2016, the unnamed girl was hospitalized and diagnosed with depression, anxiety disorder, and gender dysphoria, which the American Psychiatric Association defines as “a conflict between a person’s physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify.” Doctors claim that the parents' treating the girl as a girl has triggered suicidal feelings. Temporary custody has been granted to Hamilton County Job and Family Services, which has placed the girl with her maternal grandparents, who support the transgender identity.

The medical team from Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center testified that the girl is improving because her grandparents are treating her like a boy. They argued that she should immediately start treatment to decrease the risk of suicide, however.

"We think the grandparents are the ones who have an open mind and will ... make this sort of decision best for the child," Paul Hunt, an attorney for Hamilton County Job and Family Services, testified, according to court records obtained by CNN. "The parents have clearly indicated that they're not open to it," i.e. giving their daughter transgender hormones."
If parents make decisions which are non-congruent with state-driven decisions, why, merely take their children away and put them where the state's policies are implemented. Totalitarians who are in government positions of power must be removed.

Unintended Consequences of Leftist Resistance

ICE is demonstrating the fruits of “sanctuary” policies in Los Angeles

Their primary targets are those with known criminal records, but since they have to go out into the community to locate these criminals (rather than picking them up from local law enforcement when they get picked up for other crimes), they’re encountering and arresting some with little or no criminal records as well.
Well, they ARE actually lawbreakers who are hiding from the law. Having "no criminal records" does not mean that they are not criminals... merely undocumented criminals, of course.