Friday, May 11, 2018

Another Deep State Worm: Kristol Hates Trump

Hating exactly what? Better economy? Record low unemployment, including minorities? Record tax revenues? Possible peace with the NORKs? Challenging China's unfair practices? Strengthening the Obama-dessicated military? Or abandoning the secret Iran agreements which allow them to make nukes if only a few years later? Does he hate the Saudi "spring"?

No. Kristol hates the loss of the Deep State, and its secret control over the USA.

The Deep State rigged the elections for Hillary so presumably Kristol *hearts* Hillary and the Clinton Crime Complex. One wonders what was in it for Kristol, what exactly he lost in the election.

An Apology to David Horowitz: He Was Right about Bill Kristol

David P. Goldman

The odious Bill Kristol tweeted today, "Obviously strongly prefer normal democratic and constitutional politics. But if it comes to it, prefer the deep state to the Trump state." For those who are not aware of the term "deep state," it refers to the secret services in a dictatorship who overthrow governments, manipulate the press, and otherwise eliminate opponents. I first heard the term in reference to Turkey, whose military and intelligence services overthrew governments they didn't like with depressing regularity during the postwar period. To speak of a "deep state" in an American context is to say that the United States is turning into a banana republic.

This is no joking matter. I am confident that President Trump and the tough guys in his cabinet will root out the saboteurs, leakers, manipulators, and liars who infest the intelligence services and who conspire with the liberal media to invent fake-news charges against a duly elected administration. But the danger is real, and the fact that the intelligence community is playing games with domestic politics is a danger to our liberties.

Last May 15, the perspicacious David Horowitz denounced Kristol in Breitbart as a "renegade Jew." Of course, the headline was employed later to show that Breitbart was anti-Semitic--even though Horowitz was arguing that Kristol had betrayed critical Jewish interests. I responded with a note in this space to the effect that Kristol wasn't a "renegade Jew," just a sore loser throwing a tantrum. It was "churlish," I said, to attack a man's religion in that way.

'Renegade Jew'? No, Just Wrong About Everything

Horowitz was right and I was wrong, and I herewith offer him my apology.

Kristol is a renegade Jew, and an apologist for anti-Constitutional, illegal manipulation by America's self-designated "deep state." His hatred for Donald Trump has unhinged him. Decent people should cross the street to avoid walking too close to him.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Senator McConnell's Cash Backdoor

7 Explosive ‘Secret Empires’ Facts about Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao
This explains a lot about ol' Mitch.

The Wall That Works

Tiny Hungarian Town Celebrates Terrifying Border Fence, Mayor Says ‘Calmness Has Returned’

Many consider the Hungarian border–currently manned by about 3,000 guards, dogs, thermal cameras, and soldiers–the first leg for migrants to reach the rest of the European Union. The new barrier replaced the previous single layer of fence that had been cut through easily and lacked proper security.

Germany, the epicenter of the migrant crisis, has seen a 10% increase in crime within two years. Of the increase, 92% have been attributed to young male migrants.

The migrant crisis reached a high of 138,000 refugees within a month in 2015, but has shown signs of easing up recently. Support for stricter migration laws have increased in many European nations, including Germany.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Leftist Keith Ellison Opposes National Borders Around USA

To remove the borders is both treason and a violation of the 10th Amendment, not that Ellison cares.
DNC Chairman Keith Ellison Promotes Open Borders Campaign

The deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee wore a T-shirt which urged opposition to national borders around the United States, as he walked in a May Day parade in Minneapolis, Minn.

“Yo No Creo En Fronteras,” said the shirt worn by Rep. Keith Ellison, a Muslim who is also the vice-chair of the Democratic Party’s progressive caucus. The slogan means “I Do not Believe in Borders,” and it is being pushed by open-borders groups.
No borders, no nation: treason.

Another Trump Win

Remember how Top Secret the Iran "deal" was? No one could see it; it was in a special secret room that could be entered only by top Congressmen, and they had to sign non-disclosure documents.

That of course, was because the "deal" was a massive gift to Iran to complete their pursuit of nuclear bombs - just a little later down the road. The Obama claims of safety were like the deal itself: complete frauds.

One must wonder what under the table agreements have been reached by Kerry in his illegal negotiations with Iran this past month, in open, flagrant violation of the Logan Act. This is yet another act by a Leftist which amounts to treason.
Trump announces decision to "withdraw" from Iran nuclear deal
“At the heart of the Iran deal was a giant fiction: That a murderous regime desired only a peaceful nuclear energy program,” he said. “Today, we have definitive proof that this Iranian promise was a lie.”
Soros threatens Trump With Empty Rhetoric:
Soros-Financed Group Warns Trump of ‘Consequences’ for Bolting Iran Deal

Another Perv

This is rich. RTWT, especially the last paragraph.
Junot Díaz Responds to Allegations of Sexual Misconduct and Verbal Abuse

Legalize Pot as Reparation to Blacks.

Cannabis Industry Could Be 'A Form Of Reparations,' Says Cynthia Nixon

“It’s a racial justice issue because we’re incarcerating people of color in such staggering numbers,” she said.
So it's racist to expect blacks to obey the Law. Certainly that is the message that came out of Baltimore, when the city let the blacks run with no policing. Laws are merely racist controls on black behavior, and that behavior is their culture. Following their own culture is supposed to be part of the multi-culti, non-assimilation, Leftist narrative. If so it would be natural to have a separate set of laws for blacks - legalizing all aspects of their culture.

But their ghetto culture is racist, tribal, violent, anarchic, blame-shifting and government supported by the US Federal and state government. That makes them parasitic, without limits or controls. It's the Democrat Plantation, where votes are bought with the passivity of the black community. Legal grass ought to pacify them, right? And call it reparation.

It's just another path to inevitable war and destruction wrought by Leftism.

NYT on Science, Sex and Children

New York Times: Teaching Children to Delay Having Sex is ‘Anti-Science’

“The administration’s approach defies all common sense,” the editors write, claiming there is no evidence that teaching young people to make healthy decisions about sex will reduce teen pregnancies or STDs.

The Times continues that comprehensive sex education (CSE) programs of the sort promoted by the Obama administration are the reason why teen pregnancy has declined in the United States in recent years.

A senior HHS official, however, recently told Breitbart News that this narrative is not supported by research data from the federal government itself.

Another Arrogant Leftist Caught in Pervnado

#MeToo figure is actually a woman beater.
Eric Schneiderman, Accused by 4 Women, Quits as New York Attorney General

Monday, May 7, 2018

No Surprise Here

McCain says Trump should skip his funeral, wants Pence to attend
Why eulogize a known traitor anyway? I'm sure that W and Obama won't bring that up. But Trump just might.

Juncker *Hearts* Marx

But is it REAL Marxism? Nah. Can't be. If that's the case, then the EU is run by Commies.
EU Chief Jean-Claude Juncker Defies Protests to Deliver Heartfelt Defence of Karl Marx
Well, mebbe it's true. They could join the Soviet Union... oopsie, that collapsed decades ago.

Well, maybe it's the Marx that Hitler revered. Hm.

No Slippery Slope Here

Finland’s Supreme Court Rules 20-year-old Migrant Having Sex with 10-year-old ‘Not Rape’
Hey, those six yearolds are pretty fetching, too.

Feminists have not been heard from. Maybe if she had been a ten yearold lesbian...

Speaking of Lying in Support of the Leftist Narrative...

NO. Nonononono! Noooooo. Data doesn't match opinion. Burn the data.
Spike in Support for Trump Causes Pollster to Reject Own Poll

There's Rules and There's ...

...LEFTIST rules. #MeToo is not for Leftist politicians, is it Nancy? Democrat votes are hard enough to get, even without kicking out the perverts.

Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Call on Dem Rep.Tony Cardenas to Resign After Child Molestation Claim