Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Reasons for Examining My Persuasion

Atheist Venom
Atheists frequently take great effort to ridicule anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their particular persuasion / worldview / religion. For example certain Atheist websites are designed, not to try to convince outsiders of the validity of the Atheist viewpoint, so much as to provide a venue for ridiculing those “others’.

A fine example is PZ Meyers website, called “Pharyngula”. The inside joke here is that a pharyngula stage embryo is a human at the stage of development favored by eugenists wherein the human is incredibly tiny and undeveloped in many facets. Since the pharyngula embryo has not yet developed a nervous system, it is declared to be OK to kill it; it cannot feel pain. Thus the name of the website is a cloaked joke on the “others”, who might think that a human at any stage is actually a human. (Despite the obvious logical disconnect that if PZ were knocked unconscious, he would feel no pain: thus it would be OK to kill him and sell his organs, if any were good, so long as he is unconscious when they are harvested…).

In fact PZ came out in full support of ridicule as a weapon against the “other”, in his post of late December ’07. For some reason this post did not get saved in his archive, perhaps he was ashamed of it. PZ’s site is chock full of ridicule-predators awaiting the visit of one of the “other” to show up. In fact his site comment zone is reminiscent of the action in “Lord of the Flies”.

Another website in full ridicule mode is the “God is for Suckers” website. This one is blatantly anti-“other”, and the “other” must accept the deprecation of the site’s name to even show up there. But here the real ridicule occurs when the venom squad discovers that there is a website (this one: atheism-analyzed.net ) that exposes their illogic. But unfortunately for them, I appreciated the ridicule; serious thinkers will be repulsed by the prepubescence of the nature of the attacks, and hopefully look onward for truly serious sites. So PZ is wrong, ridicule only works if the ridiculed are weak, or are not really versed in the ways of Atheism, actual logic and rational thought.

This amply illustrates one of the several reasons that I came to fully examine the Atheist persuasion: Atheists of this ilk are nasty. They call names at the drop of a hat, but squeal like pigs if they discern an attack on the weaknesses or breaches of logic within their own position.

My question (to myself) was: why are they so nasty when they claim to have the corner on logic and rationality? Why don’t they politely invite a reasoned debate? Well, let’s cut to the chase: most of the Atheists I have encountered ASSUME that they have the corner on logic and rational thought, and that this gives them a platform from which to shoot of random volleys of venom at all non-believers in their persuasion. The concept never seems to occur to them that they should try to actually learn what logic and rational thought actually are! Much less how these apply to Atheism itself. These folk are not about thought at all. Flinging their feces at visitors, however simian this activity, is what these types are all about.

By accepting the Naturalist (parasitic and fallacious) premise that the reputation of empiricism is on their side, their feeling of instantaneous eliteness is presumed to bestow upon them the right to ridicule and belittle all of the “other” who come into range.

In a nutshell, Atheists (some…or even most of them) are nasty, because they are disgusted by the non-eliteness and presumed stupidity of the “other”. They are emboldened by running in packs, which high-five each other for every epithet one of the pack hurls.

The very nastiness of these types of websites disqualifies them from being considered places of genuine carefully considered thought. So there is no reason to even consider visiting one. Any of the “other” who might be seeking answers would not find anything more rational than ridicule and venom in these packs of the maleducated.

1 comment:

Krystalline Apostate said...

I think I highlighted my disgust w/your scare tactics, egregious lies, & other crazy-ass declarations.
This sub-culture of 'anything you say should be respected' is a load of BS. That simple.
I outlined all the crazy crap you spewed, & showed it for the crap that it is.
You people piss me off. You whiny bitches complain about 'ad hominem', but if you can't practice what you preach, quit preachin'.
I have no problem w/someone else's opinion being different, but if it's a load of hot air, it should be called that.
I used to make a huge effort at civil discussion, but there's only so much craziness anyone can stomach. Simpler to call it what it is.
Man up, & grow a set.