Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Category Hatred

Scott Hatfield's response to my earlier post regarding PZ Myer's priest-killing fantasy has prompted some additional thoughts.

(1) Assuming that hatred of categories of humans can be considered intolerance and prejudice, then hatred of priests qualifies.

(2) Assuming that the extermination of a category of humans can be considered genocide, then killing all priests qualifies.

So fantasizing about extermination of all priests is a genocidal fantasy.

And publishing this fantasy is an act of genocidal propaganda.

There is no difference between PZ's genocidal fantasy and a NeoNazi blog fantasizing about killing all the jews. Positing it as "just a fantasy" does not wash, for either PZ, or the NeoNazi. And to credit PZ with tolerance also doesn't wash.

PZ didn't know this priest. Nor had this priest done anything to PZ. Yet PZ rejoiced in the death of this person, because of the category to which he belonged. PZ gleefully reveled in the death of a person in a hated category, and then wished for the death of all the rest in that category.

PZ has rejected Social Darwinism but fantasizes it. Irrational Atheism at work.

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