Thursday, April 17, 2008

Lost Day

Actually a day and a half. I found an Atheist blog where the discussion seemed to be calm and less erratic than the others I have visited. I entered the conversation and the returning attacks were at least non-expletive. I thought I could manage that, so I violated a personal principle: don't stick around too long on those blogs, because they are depressing. It turns out that this blog is no different, just with a different methodology.

The method there was to take everything that I submitted, invert its meaning, coat it well with arrogance, then throw it back at me. It took me...well, too see what was happening. For awhile I thought that they were just misunderstanding or misreading my inputs. But after awhile I noticed a commonality amongst the local boys' attacks, and I just went ahead and dropped out.

Atheists are nowhere near willing to engage in discussion. I have found no group yet that behaves within the standards of rational debate. And the interesting feature of this particular group was the blatant inversion and twisting of my statements so that they meant something other than what I thought I had said.

I have spoken before about the inversion of logic that accompanies rebellion. Maybe I am just getting better at spotting it. But the usual Atheist blog response goes directly to ridicule, bypassing any attempt at logic. This time, I let myself get caught up in a pointless back-and-forth where I could not get my point even recognized correctly, much less debated. Toward the end, their attacks became focused on me, not my statements.

If you wish to observe Atheist thinking for yourself, and if you are not yourself caught up in the inversion of rationality, then try any Atheist blog. But plan on not staying there too long; it will very likely frustrate and depress you. Before it does, shake the dust off your sandals and move on.

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