Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Hate Spectrum

The end of the spectrum of hate is marked by insanity. This investigation of the terrorists of Topeka reveals the psychopathy / sociopathy that grips Fred Phelps and his entire family. Phelps is the "pastor" of a church that consists solely of his terrorized family. Together they spread both fear and hate, and work toward the destruction of anyone who gets in their way, using the same tactics as the ACLU: litigation with the threat of financial destruction of their foes.

Phelps is a wife beater, child beater, a tax fraud, a perjurer, a thief, and a petty bully, whose shrivelled psyche seems to actually believe that he is a prophet. In short, he is massively deranged and is a very dangerous individual.

It is not possible to describe the brutality of this individual in a short post, so if you want to know more about Phelps and his tribe of lawyer-offspring, check out both his website and this expose' website. There are several sites about Phelps that turn up on google. Phelps is the epitome of evil, and he uses the cover of a "church" which contains only his immediate family.

Phelps and his band of hate mongers did not show up in our community for the funeral of our fallen soldier, which was held peacefully on Monday. Apparently Phelps does abide by the obvious laws since many in the legal arena would cherish the opportunity to put Phelps into jail and out of commission. And it turns out that our state now has an anti-Phelps law, which prohibits the picketing of military funerals.

So Phelps had to content himself with condemning our community to Hell and he commended floods and tornados upon us. I doubt that he noticed that the weather contained neither floods nor tornados but did produce a gently weeping rain during the extremely long procession.

No doubt this is the type of Christian that Atheists talk about when they defame religions the source of all evil. Phelps is not Christian in any rational sense of the word. But his kind gives a feeling of legitimacy to the complaints of Atheists looking for excuses to condemn religion. Phelps is evil. He is vicious. He is brutal. He is insane.

The Phelps phenomenon is no excuse for condemning religion in general or Christianity, or Baptists. Phelps is a reason to find a way to deal with insanity at the fringes. The hate that is erupting from both ends of the political spectrum and both ends of the religion / anti-religion spectrum is a product of twisted thinking. It is irrational, and dangerous. It should be isolated by rational people, by speaking out against it.

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