Friday, August 8, 2008

California Watch 8.08.08 ; Harvey Milk Day in Schools

The California Legislature has sent a bill to the Governor demanding a declaration of a day for celebrating the life and agenda of Harvey Milk, homosexual activist and SF supervisor. This is the next in a series of sexual agenda bills and school board fiats that have targeted California children.

According to a Free Republic article,
"AB 2567 comes on the heels of last year’s school sexual indoctrination laws. When fully implemented, SB 777 and AB 394 will teach children in California government schools to support homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality via instructional materials, programs and activities, and school “safety” guidelines. In addition, the California State School Board this year implemented SB 71, requiring public schools that provide sex education to promote unmarried sexual activity with no restraints other than mutual consent."

This bill actually removes the day from normal education and funds the commemoration using pre-existing funds intended for academics.

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