Monday, November 17, 2008

Alinski Jujitsu: Obama's attack on Free Speech

At least one source believes it has identified an alternate tactic that will be used by Obama to silence critics. Relying on tactics devised by Saul Alinski, and taught by Obama himself, relatively innocuous pre-existing regulations which might be nebulous to some degree can be perverted to mean something entirely different than the original intent. In this case it would be "localization" requirements for radio stations, which could be twisted to serve the same purpose as the perversely named "Fairness Doctrine" which had been killed but is likely to be exhumed by Democrats wishing to nuke talk radio and its criticisms of the Left.

This alternate method could be implemented under the radar of the average citizen since it requires no new legislation. It could be implemented immediately to punish Christian radio, and stations carrying right wing commentators. With a single "complaint" the FCC could shut down a station; only three of the five commissioners would need to vote "yes". Packing the FCC with anti-Free Speechers would do the trick.

Obama believes in only positive rights, which are those specifically allowed by the government, and not more. Traditionally the rights guaranteed to U. S. citizens have been the liberties to do anything that is not specifically prohibited by law, or "negative" rights in Obama-speak. Free speech is endangered right off the blocks as soon as Obama is sworn in. Any media that is not already in his tank will be silenced, one way or another, with the most difficult being the internet. As I posted earlier, Australia is already implementing an obligatory internet filter test to eliminate "undesirable" websites; the technology is imminent and ominous.

The war on its own population, begun by the Bush administration, will be expanded by a totally Leftist Obama government; it won't be able to help itself, the temptation is too great and the risk of failure is nil. Besides, even Utopia requires that the weeds be mowed down and burned.

The remaining question is how will they stop the free election in two years, when the voters (hopefully) have figured out that just because he's black doesn't make him a desirable dictator. Well, that problem might be solved with another $88 Million injection from George Soros, so that the All-Obama networks can pump the vote into the Left lane again.


Anonymous said...

I believe the terminology of negative and positive liberties come from the liberal philosopher Isaiah Berlin; they might even be in use earlier than that.

It's all a matter of balance: to someone who prefers a strict enforcement of negative rights, Obama would probably appear to place too much emphasis on positive liberties. funnily, the reverse is not the case with the Bush administration, which fails to promote either liberties.

As no less than George F. Will himself noted, we already have 'socialism', but it's one in which the privileged lobby for even more of the pie. And that's no conservatism to my ears.

Stan said...

If anything the Bush administration has assaulted the "freedom from" liberties by increasing surveillance on citizens, and not protecting the borders while not removing illegal aliens. The first might have some "wartime" justification; the second is totally unjustified.

It's true that we are partially socialized, and that redistributive taxation has been in place for a long time. But the final thrust is now upon us.

Thanks for the Isaiah Berlin reference, there is more about him here.