Wednesday, November 5, 2008

An Era Ends

It is the morning after. The new president is not called the "farthest Left ever", or "the most eugenic oriented ever", or any of the truly defining characteristics. Today he is BLACK. Blacks are weeping on TV. Other blacks in other countries are rejoicing. The election was obviously racial. The networks celebrate the first BLACK president.

The results are not fully outlined by the Leftist Obama-awed media. They are ecstatic with the results; after all they drove the results. But the results are onerous.

Starting at the touted "76 days from now", the entire U.S.Government will be without checks and balances. The President, the Congress, the U.S. Supreme Court are all anti-constitutional Leftists. To make the situation secure, the Leftist media is a fawning adjunct, automatically censoring unfavorable news. This situation appears acceptable to a mass whose educations were compromised by the Leftist control of the degraded American education system for several generations.

The Congress will pass more socialist legislation in the next two years than the populace will even know (or apparently care) about. The cost is yet to be determined but it appears that the marginalization of the Land of the Free is at hand.

So this is how it feels to be disenfranchised.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

curse this democratic monopoly...