Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hate Speech: Who Needs Laws?

An outfit called "Judicial Watch" has revealed a thrust by the Arizona Hispanic Bar Associaton, Los Abogados, to eliminate the terms "illegal alien", "illegals", "aliens," "resident or non-resident aliens," "illegal immigrants," "scratchbacks or wetbacks," "armies of immigrants," "invaders," "reconquistadores" and "anchor babies" from lexicon used to describe... well,... illegal aliens. The request was not only made directly to the Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice, thereby bypassing any legal wrangling, Judicial Watch reported that the Chief Justice McGregor forwarded the concerns to the other justices.

Acceptable terms are provided: "undocumented immigrants," "foreign nationals," "persons without legal immigration status," "unauthorized workers" and "alleged or suspected undocumented immigrants."

Critics compare the bland "acceptable" appellations to calling drug dealers "undocumented pharmacists, and home robbery suspects physical property adjusters," and "burglers unwanted houseguests".

According to the Hispanic Bar Association, they want to go directly to the judges and to "eliminate hate speech in all forms...". The Chief Justice complied by sending a memo “asking that our judges and employees refrain from using certain derogatory terms in court documents and proceedings.”

In an attempt to propagate the irrationality further, the Arizona Supreme Court threatened to sue Judicial Watch. Can the Supreme Court even do that? Presumably the Supreme Court would hear its own case, ultimately...(!) The Left needs only an agenda, not any rationality to be associated with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To be fair, there's no need to call illegal immigrants 'wetbacks' or 'anchor babies,' especially since those terms are often thrown around to insult Mexicans who immigrated to this country legally or even other Hispanics generally--I've heard ignorant people refer to Puerto Ricans or Cuban refugees as "wetbacks" out of ignorance, for instance. :-/