Thursday, November 13, 2008

The New Media

Now that the old "mainstream media" has virtually admitted its strong bias toward the radical left, a new media has emerged, stronger than the old, if metrics count for anything these days. Internet savvy news seekers are now seeking the other side of the story, that news which is abjured by the leftist "journalistas" which totally dominate the network news and biggie-big newspapers.

Non-mainstream news websites now receive huge numbers of hits daily, probably because the truncated news on your local TV is somewhere between biased and flat outright wrong. For example, Drudge Report now is reporting 25 million hits in the last 24 hours, and 834 million hits in the last 31 days. One of the Drudge Reports valuable features is its long lists of news sources and columnists. This is as opposed to the NYT which gives only approved leftist viewpoints and even presumed to reject McCain's op-ed article because it wasn't enough like Obama's.

There will likely come a time when news is derived completely from the internet, with the TV networks and newspapers going under or going over to the web themselves. A couple already have gone completely on-line: U.S. News and World Report, and Christian Science Monitor.

This will be a distressing trend for the leftists, who will develop a need to control the content of the internet; watch for such a move in the near future, on the heels of the passage of the Fairness Doctrine.

This just in: the Australian Government is implementing a mandatory web filter, being tested in the next two months:

"AUSTRALIA'S mandatory net filter is being primed to block 10,000 websites as part of a blacklist of unspecified "unwanted content".

Some 1300 websites have already been identified by the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

Communications Minister Senator Conroy revealed details of the Rudd Government's proposed web filter as he called for expressions of interest from internet service providers (ISPs) for a live trial of the technology, the Courier-Mail reports."

Had I waited another ten minutes to post, this would have been the main topic. QED.

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