Monday, November 24, 2008

Obama Skips Church....

Obama campaigned in church after church. He uses "God" references here and there. But he doesn't go to church himself. Aides excuse this saying his entourage would disrupt a church.

This is no wonder after reading the Saul Alinsky text book that Obama worked from and taught during his "community organizer" days, a book that helped him organize his way into the presidency despite having no qualifications whatsoever. That book, "Rules for Radicals", outlines the ethics for organizers: there are none. The end justifies the means.

Obama's use for churches is done and over with at this point. It is no longer necessary to pretend to have ethics; that battle is behind him. For the next stages, raw power is available to him as never before. So who needs church?

Apparently Obama's entourage doesn't disrupt the gym where he does go instead of church...

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