Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stem Cells without Killing.

The news of a non-embryonic stem cell first is very welcome, especially in light of Obama's promise to institute embryonic stem cell research as a legal and funded entitlement. This success involves the creation of an entire organ from non-embryonic stem cells, the organ being a wind pipe (trachea), necessary for a woman who lost hers to TB.

There appears to be no reason to destroy human embryos in order to gain the benefits of stem cells. In fact, embryonic stem cells have serious problems not associated with adult stem cells, including rejection, tumors and cancer, not to mention trafficking in human embryos. So why would the Left be so anxious to do it? The Left seems obsessed with the right to kill anything human that is yet to be born. Yet they also claim not to be eugenisists. It's a paradox within which they contentedly live; no logic will deter them from that.

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