Monday, December 15, 2008

A Shoe for Bush.

The Arab world is rejoicing at the shoe thrown at Bush, while the thrower called Bush a "dog". Both actions are the deepest insults in that part of the world according to the International Herald Tribune which is the international arm of the New York Times.

The reaction I have might surprise the "Arab world". Seeing the hatred of the mob waving shoes seems to reinforce in me the idea that peace, or any rational relationship with the Arab / Muslim world is not possible. They are a hazard to civilization. Period.

When the first nukes go off over there, and they will if Obama follows his pansy PC act, the Arab world will begin its descent back into primitive existence. This will likely drag the civilized world into an unwanted yet unavoidable ethnic cataclysm, attempting to avoid takeover by sharia soldiers, identifiable only by their ethnicity. This might be extrapolated into a global conflict, since Asia has gained a Muslim ethnic presence that is already sharia oriented and violent. The west is not likely to capitulate and will do whatever is required, including revoking politically correct injunctions against ethnic profiling and more. When the conflict is finally joined, it will not go well for the international Muslim community, especially if they do nothing but wave shoes and spew hate.

There is no rational conversation to be had with the dogma-locked, especially those intent on eradicating outsiders. The previous major excursions into dogma-lock were responsible for around 250,000,000 deaths in the 20th century. It could be deja vu, if steps to eliminate Muslim nukes are not taken. In fact, even without the nukes the wealth of the OPEC cash drain from the west could buy considerable armament. Considerable warfare could be purchased, and staffed with suicide warriors while directed by power drunken mullahs. I think, having read the Qur'an, that it will not be possible to be Muslim and also support democracy when crunch time comes.

This, plus the idea of being forced economically into a probable lengthy depression by a US government responsible for it yet incapable of stopping it, plus the idea of being held hostage to OPEC for the energy to keep us alive, give me the idea that I might have to fight, physically, the onslaught of those who hate us. While I am well beyond the rational age to fight physically, I am not incapable of it.

Obama has already rescinded the promises he made during his campaign, and he's not yet in office. So he is a totally unknown quantity, except the knowledge that he lies, and does so quite comfortably. So I have no idea how he will handle the Muslim crisis. We will see.

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