Monday, January 12, 2009

Killing their own....

Hamas is hiding behind Palestinian civilians who are thereby placed in the line of fire, squarely in the middle of combat. The inevitable civilian collateral deaths are used to inflame the worlds Leftist apologists, who mindlessly scream "genocide" at the Israelis.

A similar practice in the USA is known as "suicide by cop": threatening the police until they are forced to kill you.

But the practice amongst the Muslim attackers is even more grievous. The attackers threaten the Israelis and then hide amongst their women, children, hospitals and mosques. When engaged, collateral damage amongst civilians is guaranteed. Apparently Hamas leaders are hiding in hospitals at the moment.

Even worse is the revelation that the attackers plan the deaths of their own people. The photo shows a map captured by Israelis that shows a gas station that will be blown up, taking neighbors with it. It also shows sniper positions at mosques.
The IDF spokesperson said,

This map, confiscated Wednesday (Jan. 7) by IDF paratroopers operating in the north of Gaza, shows how Hamas uses an entire neighborhood, rigging it with explosive devices and putting the entire civilian population at great risk. The map shows the al-Tatraa neighborhood in Gaza City divided into three areas of operation (red, blue and green). The dots on the map indicate where Hamas operatives had planted a variety of IEDs (improvised explosive devices), with the colors indicating the type of IED. Additional marks show sniper positions next to mosques. Next to the entrance of the el-Tawid mosque near to Shauuda Plaza at the top left of the map there is a sniper posting with marking indicating the direction of fire marked on the map. At the bottom center of the map there is a gas station where Hamas planted an IED which, if activated, could cause a very large explosion throughout the neighborhood.

An overall study of the map demonstrates how Hamas deliberately uses civilians, using them as live targets and hiding behind them; they plant IEDs at the entrances of homes, they booby trap homes and they use places of worship, all with no regard to collateral damage or civilian lives.

This practice should be called self-genocide. It should be declared a war crime and the principle actors should be prosecuted.

Will the protesters rail against Hamas' murder of its own people? Watch and see.


For explicit views of involuntary and voluntary human shields in use by Hamas, see the following videos:

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