Thursday, February 19, 2009

Corruption and the Democrats

The Democrats voted for an undefined change, and got it: what they got was more of it. According to the AP Analyst, Larry Margasak,
The Obama administration and the new Congress are quickly handing over to Republicans the same "culture of corruption" issue that Democrats used so effectively against the GOP before coming to power.
This stems from the seeming inability to find a non-corrupt Democrat to fill Obama's available slots, not to mention Congressional Democrats under investigation. If it's not tax evasion or lobbying, it's illegal fund juggling or kickbacks.

Miscreants include Democrats Charles Rangel, John Murtha, Tom Daschle, Nancy Killefer, Timothy Geithner, Bill Richardson, William Lynn, and now Roland Burris. Hillary Clinton was made Secretary of State despite the revelation that husband Bill Clinton had received $ millions from foreign sources, a blatant conflict of interest.

Add to this the lack of transparency in passing the unread bailout bill, the slap at bipartisanship in excluding Republicans from the mix, the cover-up of Obama's birth certificate and college records, the "I won" arrogance, and the list of ethical failings is comprehensive.

One wag suggests that the way to fund the bail-outs is to let Obama keep on appointing tax evaders like Daschle and Killefer, who suddenly pay their taxes.

When Joe Biden said it is patriotic to pay your taxes, clearly he was referring to Republicans...

Now Clinton and Obama are on a world-wide tour to apologize for America and make the Muslims all warm and fuzzy. Clinton started with a rant about Christianity and evil Christians just yesterday, as she visited Muslim-dense southeast Asia.

All this plus socialized medicine and redistributed wealth in less than a month, including $ billions to ACORN; and foreign aid dollars for unlimited abortion abroad. Nationalized banks are in the talking stage, as is restriction of free radio speech, and draconian gun confiscation; and of course, unlimited, free, taxpayer-funded abortion on demand in the USA, with no recourse to local or state control.

Think of what 2 years can bring.

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