Monday, February 2, 2009

A Culture Adrift

Over at Scott's place, the state of teenage irresponsibility is discussed. With highschoolers no longer turning in assignments or seemingly caring about grades, the crisis is actually already upon us. Scott thinks that it is related to video games where failure is greeted with "do-overs", not with serious consequences. I think it goes deeper than that.

It has appeared to me that there is an arrogance about teenagers today that reveals their feeling of entitlement without consequence. In fact there are very few consequences that matter to today's teens. Sex is without consequence due to easy abortions. Shame is no longer a consequence in a society that has no shame. Incarceration is reserved for the most egregious crimes, and then the juvenile record is expunged all too frequently. Rebellion is rewarded by peer admiration and you-tube hits. Anti-authoritarianism is advertised in TV clothing commercials. In-your-face is the code of behavior of the day. Favorite saying:
In a society with no moral base, it should come as no surprise that youth has no values beyond self-indulgence. And when self-indulgence is the primary value, then one comes to believe he is entitled to it. In fact the age of entitlement is here and now. California will very likely collapse under the weight of outrageous entitlements. If one objects to many of these, he is deemed a racist, sexist, homophobic, or some other new kind of criminal.

The Left has always tried to exploit entitlements as payment to minorities for their support. Now that the U.S. governing bodies are entirely Left, entitlements will explode, irresponsibility will grow, and the culture will completely be subsumed by an attitude of arrogant demands for that which is not earned.

The Leftist/humanist idea that everyone is entitled to happiness, and happiness comes from serving the government, is now visible in the declarations of Obama: everyone needs to be put into service for the good of the country (or at least the good of the Left). This is actually a full step beyond entitlement, and will conflict greatly with those who wish only to collect a government check and buy beer. The Left's entitlement philosophy conflicts directly with its social control philosophy. The conflicting and paradoxical approaches have produced riots in the past with entitled populations burning down their own neighborhoods when offended by not getting what they demand.

An entire generation - maybe even two - have been created with this feeling of entitlement. Illegal aliens get what they want by demonstrating; so do homosexuals. It is not a case where anything is earned; it is a case where entitlements are demanded and defended by charges of racism or homophobia if the demands are challenged. The new morality is found only in entitlement.

The final paradox is actually the first one. Evolutionary theory gave immediate "respectablity" to Philosophical Materialism, and even - for a time at least - drove theists into silence, as relativism took hold of the world. The world is now starkly relativist. But evolutionary theory also suggests that the strongest or most adapted to congruence with the environment should survive. (This was immortalized in Social Darwinism). The current human condition favors the minority, which is entitled to feed off of the waning and weakening majority, silent in fear of accusations of such immoralities as racism, or homophobia. As others have pointed out, a parasite that grows faster than the host kills both the host and itself.

The ever parasitic Left is poised to grow the parasites at unbelievable levels. It already started with banks sucking up hundreds of billions of $$$, and it will continue as parasite feeders such as ACORN and Planned Parenthood receive their billions, and the parasites fatten and demand ever more. It's how parasitism works.

How can hosts survive their parasites? By the painful process of ejecting them from their life systems, completely. Will the U.S.A. have enough courage and strength (not to mention foresight) to do so? The most dangerous enemy is the one within.


Andrew T. said...

I don't mean to be disrespectful, but: are you seriously suggesting that a rather modest nonprofit umbrella organization will destroy the United States of America??

Doesn't this (and your constant use of the word capital-L "Left") strike you as just a teeny bit paranoid, in a Trilaterial Commission, Reverse Vampires, and the Sacred Order of the Illuminati sort of way?

P.S. Virtually everything the McCain campaign said about ACORN was "breathtakingly inaccurate,", according to

Let me guess: is part of the Conspiracy?

Stan said...

The Oct 18 article by in no way implies that the FBI had concluded its investigation of ACORN or had exonorated them. In fact the article was posted 1 1/2 weeks after the FBI raid on the Las Vegas ACORN facility which produced evidence of voter registration fraud, hardly enough time to wrap up an FBI fraud investigation. In fact ACORN is under investigation in 10 states, in some states by Democrat prosecutors.

As for "breathtakingly inaccurate", that term is not found in that article.

As for the capital-L in Left, it will remain. Some news outlets capitalize it, some don't. I do.

The Left is an amalgam of self-centered organizations that focus on their perceived victimhood and the victimhood of subgoups. Their common agenda is outside the normal bounds of older Judeo-Christian ethics, and has an ethic of pragmatism, well described by Saul Alinski. As described in the article posted above, their parasitism will likely outstrip the ability of the USA to support them. ACORN is just one such Leftist group, and has been shown to be an umbrella group for many subgroups, which in turn intertwine with many other groups. This is a favorite dodge of those who wish to conceal their intents and activities. The FBI has not finished with them yet.

Andrew T. said...

Factcheck's "breathtakingly inaccurate" description can be found here.

Really, ACORN? I mean, I know some folks were deep into the McCain/Palin campaign but... wow.

Stan said...

Never once have I quoted McCain on anything. Check the NYT coverage of the FBI investigation, or even Huffington post. They are under investigation in 10 states. Those are the facts. You might want to dodge out of Factcheck for a look into the news.

Andrew T. said...

So is indeed part of the Conspiracy? I just want to know who our new overlords will be.

Stan said...

Yep it is