Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Socialism and Equality of Outcome vs. Freedom

I think maybe a great proportion of today’s population does not know exactly what socialism is and what it means to live under it. Perhaps the inevitable brutality of socialism is too much for the government education system to convey. Perhaps the self-absorbed products of the government education system do not care, and actually think that socialism will care for them. Perhaps the populace has been adequately kept ignorant, sedated and pacified. For whatever reason, socialism is no longer appreciated for its destructive affects on humans and the world.

At any rate, it is apparent that the younger amongst us who have not experienced a world chock full of socialist states do not appreciate the experiences of those who lived within those systems. I am older now, and I remember the desperation of those who risked almost certain death trying to scale the Berlin wall. I remember the smashing of the Poles and Hungarians. I remember over packed boatloads of Vietnamese risking death to escape, and I remember boatloads of escaping Cubans that were returned to almost certain execution. I remember so many instances of blood running in the streets. These were results of socialist states that were enforcing socialist policies.

Socialism derives from the utopianism of the elites. This group feels that they are smarter and more able to care for the needs of the masses than are those masses, themselves. (It is actually premised on the inferiority of all non-elites). It is “unfair”, utopianism goes on, that some people have better outcomes than do others. All outcomes should be equal, in utopia. The elites embue themselves with the moral right and personal authority to create utopia, regardless of what the masses think or want.

Equal outcomes becomes the focus, and how to attain that is the program. As shown by Saul Alinski, there is no means that is wrong, if the end is “moral”. And “equality of outcomes” becomes the moral objective to which all else may be sacrificed.

However, some of the populace are stubborn, and will not wish to accept the milktoast of socialized medicine, but will pursue excellence. Some will not accept the mediocrity of socialized education and will pursue excellence. Some will not accept enforced outcomes and will pursue their own freedom to pursue whatever they wish. All of these are a hazard to the equality of outcomes prescribed by the ruling elites.

So for equality of outcomes, acceptance must be enforced with boldness and finality. One cannot produce equality of outcomes if some of the populace can escape it. Escape becomes anathema to the elites. Freedom is always sacrificed to “equality” in these systems.

For this reason: prevention of deviation from the equality of outcomes, stringent enforcement becomes necessary; it invariably results in government brutalization of its own citizens.

The equality of outcome philosophy applies only to the ruled, not to the rulers, of course. This is already in place in the US Congress, where members vote themselves supreme insurance packages that are not available to the populace; huge salaries plus raises whenever they are politically viable; hugely generous retirement benefits; plenty of junkets on the taxpayers backs; the ability to accept gargantuan, untraceable donations from foreign as well as domestic supporters. The outcomes for the ruling class are nothing like the outcomes for the common taxpayer, a classic socialist set-up.

Socialism is not a static artifact of a bloody 20th century, an historic relic restricted to bygone days. It is a philosophy of governing that is generated from an elitist utopianism, and which contains the fatal flaws of denigrating the populace and requiring their absolute control by whatever means is necessary. Full, complete socialization inevitably, repeat: INEVITABLY, requires absolute pacification of a rebellious populace.

When Obama referred to the Warren Court as not having gone far enough in redistributing wealth and income, he betrayed his elitist, utopian, socialist bent. What will now take place is the installation of socialism by creep, program by program. And by the way, watch for his creation of his stated wish: a federal police force that is greater in magnitude and strength than the entire US military; this is always a precursor to full socialism.

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