Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Hush Rush" Shushed?

The Left lost something very valuable to them in the last presidential election: they lost their whipping boy. Even months after the inauguration of the One, Leftists continued to berate George W. Bush, even trying to gain support for an investigation, trial and punishment for him. But that has seemed to fail to gain enough steam, in light of the daily One focusing constant attention upon himself, saving the world by spending wealth not possessed.

So now the Left, always in need of someone to blame, is demonizing Rush Limbaugh, annointing him with super-powers of evil. The rush to "Hush Rush" is full tilt in the Congress, with all sorts of schemes to shut down free radio while not touching state television. But now maybe the One and the Left need Rush to slap around; they need someone to blame for the continuing failure of the bailouts, and the future failure of the socialist programs being forced on America. Blame Rush Limbaugh. Rush now has value to the Obamaleft.

Deflecting the blame is the name of the game, especially in times of crisis caused by the "equal outcome" policies of the Leftists, who wanted the irresponsibles to have home ownership regardless of their ability (and ethic) to pay.

More on equal outcomes in the next post.


Kip the Dip said...

I can't hold my tounge any longer. What does this have to do with Atheism? I come here to read straw man attacks on atheists, not whining about how "the left" is treating poor Rush Limbaugh.

Stan said...

While not all Leftists are Atheists, nearly all Atheists are Leftist. The Left is the epitome of Materialist, Atheist, relativist elitism. It is very difficult to separate them.

We are witnessing the quiet conquest and domination of humanism and consequentialism in our nation, and all such activities are Atheist at their core. They are fair game.

If you have an actual question, go ahead and ask it. But first be sure you know what a Straw Man Fallacy really is.

As for Rush, the Left will quickly retreat because the rational backlash will chew them up.

Kip the Dip said...

Fair enough. However, I don't think the the liberals attacking Rush Limbaugh has anything to do with morality. For years, the right attacked Michael Moore and grouped the Democrat party with him. It's simply partisan poltics, that's all.

While not all Leftists are Atheists, nearly all Atheists are Leftist.

Most atheists I know are Libertarains. This is because they follow the cult, er, philosophy of Objectivism. Far from being relativistic, it's an ethical system that states the highest virture is selfishness. If there is an atheistic philosophy you should criticize, this is the one.

As for the straw man fallacy, most of your website seems to be a distorted caricature of atheism.
You accuse atheists of rejecting religion, metaphysics, and the existence God only because they like being selfish and immoral. Darwinism is the only absolute, to point of being a religious dogma in itself. Even now, you're linking them to leftist poltics, which you easily label as Fascism. If this is what you were like for 40 years, you must have been a total jerk.

Stan said...

Not Fascism, fascism. The grown-up version of humanism. Capital "F" Fascism belonged to Mussolini; small "f" fascism is an elitist totalitarianism.

Caricature? How can one caricature something that is already as ridiculous as the rantings of Dawkins? I usually don't bother commenting on the New Atheists (except PZ, He's rich) because they are so overtly outrageously irrational that they speak that for themselves. I might have to make an exception for Dawkins, now that he is trying to redefine the word "purpose" so that he can use it with evolution.

"you must have been a total jerk."

Your point is....?

Take a look at the New Atheists. Hitchens writes obscenties on a poster in an Islamic country and gets beat three ways from Sunday. He had attacked a priest in a church several years ago.

Dennett can't make a single rational case outside the silly arenas of ridicule and sarcasm.

Dawkins thinks that making up stuff makes for a solid case for evolution - who needs empiricism?

What better role models could Atheists have?

Elitists are jerks. That's the way it works.