Thursday, May 7, 2009

Homosexuality as Political Leverage

There is a book out called “Culture Drift”. The subject is of immense interest to me (I even have a blog category by that name). But I have come to understand that the cultural changes that have occurred in the past half century were not a random drift toward paganism or the secular Left. The changes were consciously driven, in the Hegelian fashion of thesis-antithesis-synthesis.

While I first considered this to be a conspiracy theory and approached it with considerable caution, there is enough information available now to be comfortable with the assessment of a culture driven, not adrift.

An example of consciously driven cultural change is the homosexual war on society. Prior to the 1960’s, homosexuality was considered deviant behavior that could be successfully treated. What happened to change that?

In 1948, Alfred Kinsey published his studies of male sexuality, which in effect legitimized all types of sexual adventurism, including pedophilia. These studies were actually fraudulent science, as has been abundantly documented by Reismann, West, Sears and Osten. But Kinsey’s fraudulent data was seized upon by social activists, and the falseness was perpetuated. As David Kupelian has documented, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen documented in their book, “After The Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear And Hatred Of Gays In the 90’s, a programmed attack on the cultural view of homosexuality. While you probably haven’t heard of Kirk or Madsen, you will be familiar with their program, below.

The Kirk / Hunter homosexual attack formed around three programs: Desensitization, Jamming, and Conversion.

Desensitization consisted of a constant barrage of pro-homosexual media blitzing, hoping to wear down the populace with the constant presence of homosexuality and ultimately turning familiarity into acceptance.

Jamming, on the other hand, is a form of “psychological terrorism meant to silence expression of or even support for dissenting opinion”. Hence the term, “homophobe”, and the equating of homophobia to fascism, racism, classism and moral depravity. Ultimately “homophobia” is being codified into Hate (thought) Crime Federal Legislation. Jamming has been astoundingly successful at silencing dissent.

Conversion is described by Kirk and Madsen:
“We mean conversion of the average American’s emotions, mind, and will, through a planned psychological attack, in the form of propaganda fed to the nation via the media. We mean ‘subverting’ the mechanism of prejudice to our own ends- using the very processes that made America hate us to turn their hatred into warm regard - whether they like it or not”.
The use of the media is documented by Kupelian, and is too extensive to repeat here. Kirk and Madsen continue,
”In Conversion, we mimic the natural process of stereotype learning, with the following effect: we take the bigot’s good feelings about all-right guys, and attach them to the label “gay” (a new label created for the attack), either weakening or, eventually, replacing his bad feelings toward the label and the prior stereotype [classic brainwashing, ed.].

“Whereas in Jamming, the target is shown to be a bigot being rejected by his own crowd for his prejudice against gays, in Conversion the target is shown his crowd actually associating with gays in good fellowship.”
It makes no difference to us that the ads are lies, not to us, because we are using them to ethically good effect, to counter negative stereotypes that are every bit as much lies, and far more wicked ones.”
In 1990, the National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association was founded.

Some of the lies that the homosexuals fronted to the public are as follows:

First, that there are 10% of the population that are homosexual (Kinsey). Actual numbers are closer to 0.5% to possibly 1.3%, depending on the study; Kinsey himself lowered the number to 1.3%, but that was ignored by the homosexual activists who devoted themselves to his original 10%.

Second, that homosexuality is genetic and irreversible. This is essential to the idea that homosexuality is what that person is - homosexuality defines the person; therefore it is not FAIR to consider them deviants. This is refuted by identical twin studies, which show that when one twin is homosexual, only 38% of the identical sibling twin is homosexual, even though sharing identical DNA. Although epi-genetic gene switching might occur differently for the twins, there is no reason to believe that is deterministic (inevitable). If unequal gene switching were responsible for the unequal occurrence of homosexual identical twins, then such percentages should also occur in regular populations; but they do not by a full order of magnitude[1].

Homosexuality is far more likely to be influenced by unequal emotional responses to environmental socializing pressures that are unequally applied in the environment.

Third was that AIDs showed conclusively that homosexuals were victims. In a culture of cherished victimhood, this was expected to resonate.

Fourth was the use of homosexual celebrities to gain a favorable image and the media along with Hollywood to persistently portray homosexuals as normal.

Fifth was the accusation that heroic historical figures were homosexual.

Sixth was attempting to link anti-homosexuality with NAZI fascism, despite the historical facts (William Shirer, “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich”) that many of the early NAZIs were in fact homosexuals. This is still a common epithet used by ever-angry Gays.

Seventh was the frontal attack on the American Psychological Association, forcing it to change its viewpoint of homosexuality. According to Jack Cashill,
"...Gay insurgents had stormed the citadel of the American Psychological Association (APA) to advance their cause. They had picked an easy target. Embarrassed to find themselves on the unfashionable side of the cultural barricades, the APA worthies were prepared to surrender without a fight".
At a 1971 APA meeting, a homosexual activist charged,
"Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate. Psychiatry has waged a relentless war of extermination against us. You may take this as a declaration of war against you."
According to one psychologist, one moment homosexuality was a treatable psychological deviation, the next, it was normal and not treatable.

The programs instituted in schools to promote full acceptance of homosexuality are fully documented. ACLU lawsuits threaten to destroy anyone who dissents, at least publicly, to the inevitability of homosexuality as genetically determined. And homosexuals post enemies lists on the internet including names and addresses of those who vote against the homosexuals agendas - clearly a terrorist activity, yet done with impunity.

And now, of course, there will be thought crime laws that fully discriminate against any dissent with felony charges.

A Culture adrift? Or a culture driven?

[1] The value of 38% is significant because it is low enough to eliminate the inevitability of DNA determinism; and it is high enough to preclude random epigenetic switching failures (mutations). If the epigenetics functioned randomly in identical twinning, then the rate should be similar to that in single embryo individuals.


Zetetic_chick said...

Hi Stan,

This is a very interesting post.

I've considered the possibility that cultural changes have been actually induced intentionally, not spontaneously generated.

But like you, I've seen such possibility as much caution, since it's very easy to get paranoic and interpret the facts in terms of planned conspiracies.

Also, many conspiracy theorists are leftists, who assume that the "market" (and the big corporations) is the core of the agenda behind social and cultural changes. (Such idea is not totally unreasonable; at least it's open to debate)

I search information about Alfred Kinsey in wikipedia, and regarding his sexual life, you can read "Kinsey had been rumored to participate in unusual sexual practices. James H. Jones's biography, Alfred C. Kinsey: A Public/Private Life, describes Kinsey as bisexual and experimenting in masochism. He encouraged group sex involving his graduate students, wife and staff. Kinsey filmed sexual acts in the attic of his home as part of his research.[13] Biographer Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy explained that using Kinsey's home for the filming of sexual acts was done to ensure the films' secrecy, which would certainly have caused a scandal had the public become aware of them"

It could explain his actual purpose behind his "science".

Also, Kinsey had Christian parents, but himself was an agnostic: "Kinsey's parents were extremely devout Christians; this left a powerful imprint on Kinsey for the rest of his life. His father was known as one of the most devout members of the local Methodist church[1] and as a result most of Kinsey's social interactions were with other members of the church, often merely as a silent observer while his parents discussed religion with other similarly devout adults. Kinsey's father imposed strict rules on the household including mandating Sunday as a day of prayer (and little else), outlawing social relationships with girls.[citation needed] As a child, Kinsey was forbidden to learn anything about the subject that was to later bring him such fame. Kinsey ultimately disavowed the Methodist religion of his parents and became an agnostic."

I think it could have nothing to do with Kinsey' sexual life (since that most agnostics, atheists and secularists are not homosexuals, as far I know).

In the book "The Last Superstition: a Refutation of the New Atheism" Thomist philosopher Edward Feser argues that secularism is essentially a negative worldview (= a worldview based in the negation of traditional values/ideas of religion, specially of Christianity) and this is why such things as homosexuality, abortion and other things traditionally rejected by religion have been "promoted" or "tolerated" by secularists.

So, such agenda or plan would have a mainly philosophical root (and the political agenda would be a secondary manifestation of it, but it wouldn't be the main cause or motive).

What do you think of Dr.Feser's idea?


Stan said...

Hi ZC,
I will be posting soon on this subject. Secularism depends on rejection, certainly. But it finds a way to turn that into a "false positive" which uses part of, but not all, the ideas of democratic ideals to promote what turn out to be anti-democratic in their elitist hegemony over the masses. I'll give a better viewpoint when I am able to get it written.