Friday, August 14, 2009

Culture of Corruption

If you have been aware enough to shut off the TV and the newspaper subscription, and look for the actual factual news over the past half year, then you are at least aware of the high level of Chicago style corruption that infests the U.S. federal government. But it is hard to assemble a picture of the breadth and depth of the corruption tapestry as a function of the individual players, who are now interwoven into Leftist power.

But Michelle Malkin did assemble that picture. And it is to be found in her #1 selling new release book, Culture of Corruption. This is the Obamacrat story that is a secret only if one depends solely for information on the "mainstream media", that dying fount of leftist propaganda and suppressed news.

The book is comprehensive, almost a reference book, documented to a fair-thee-well. Not sure how the union SEIU fits into national politics, or why its purple shirted goons harass, beat, and follow dissenters home? Not sure what ACORN really is? Not sure what Michelle Obama's past is, or her role today? Not sure how many lobbyists Joe Biden is related to? Not sure why "czars" are needed in Obama's world? (and on, and on...)

Get it. Read it. Pass it on (if you can part with it). You can't have mine, I need it.

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