Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Stopping ObamaCare For $10

Hugh Hewitt over at has one of the best ideas for a positive grassroots response that I have seen to date. His idea is based on the race for Harry Reid's Senate seat in Nevada, a race that Harry Reid is LOSING! Reid is 11 points behind his opponent, Danny Tarkanian.

Here's Hewitt's idea: Send Tarkanian $10. Then email Reid and tell him that if ObamaCare passes, you will support Tarkanian with even more donations. If this goes viral, the effect could be electric!

Here's Hewitt's page, here's Tarkanian's campaign website, and here's Reid's email.

If you send this on, think of the grassroots effect on both Reid and the Tarkanian campaign to remove Reid!

My donation and email to Reid are done.

Help this go viral: send it on!

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