Saturday, August 29, 2009

Truth vs. Eu-logy

Eu-logy: speaking only well or nicely. Usually associated with a dead person.

The concept of eulogy is contradictory with the concept of truth. This site is dedicated to truth and its pursuit, so eulogy is not a part of that. Especially with regard to Edward "Ted" Kennedy.

Like many of my generation, when I think of Ted Kennedy I immediately think of Mary Jo Kopechne. If you are younger, you might not even have heard that Kennedy drove off a bridge, leaving Kopechne in the submerged car to die as he walked away. The raging moral and physical cowardice shown by Ted Kennedy in his lack of concern for the dying Kopechne has always cancelled out his bloated, bleating moral aggrandizement of his political programs.

He is actually not worth my time, except as an example of the moral dry rot of the self-righteous Left which is not just eulogizing Kennedy but attempting to transform him into a man-god. But I will point you to a website that explains more of this, including Kopechne's long death, asphyxiating (not drowning) while Kennedy walked off in search of an excuse.

More here from NRO.

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