Thursday, September 3, 2009

Perfect Storm vs. Too Black To Fail

Is Obama “too black to fail”? Or is there a force strong enough to swamp him in his own puddle?

A perfect storm or at least a perfect wave occurs when all the events surrounding it add up in the same direction, and move together to produce a single, huge wave. In the political structure of the current USA, there seems to be such an occasion. A perfect political storm is suggested here.

Elements that stack in the same direction include the loss of the undecided, independent class who populate the middle of the political spectrum: 70% of these have abandoned Obama’s health takeover. The radical Left in Congress will abandon any attempt to cut off the public option of the health plan. The youth vote won’t show up for the next election. And blue dog Democrats just might abandon the attempt to takeover a private function with no way to pay for it short of starving Medicare. And seniors – who do vote – are not taking the reduction of Medicare funding lightly. There is virtually no category of constituency that Obama has not offended.

According to this commentary in the Wall Street Journal by Karl Rove:
“Nearly nine out of 10 Americans say they have coverage—and large majorities of them are happy with it. Of the 46 million uninsured, 9.7 million are not U.S. citizens; 17.6 million have annual incomes of more than $50,000; and 14 million already qualify for Medicaid or other programs. That leaves less than five million people truly uncovered out of a population of 307 million. Americans don't believe this problem—serious but correctable—justifies the radical shift Mr. Obama offers.”
Moreover, the Obama lies are coming to light, in fact beacons are shining on them. Corporations will be fined huge amounts for certain “infractions”. The one-way migration to government single-payer will be immutable. The costs cannot be contained, much less reduced, especially without punishing seniors. Rationing WILL happen. And most egregious of all, we will all pay for illegal alien health care, while the government fails to plug holes in our borders and purge illegal trespassers from our country.

But the constituents also now seem to be aware that health care “reform” is in no way the biggest problem facing the USA. The economy is: an economic perfect storm brought to us through the Leftist concept of the American Dream for Everyone Through Cheap Credit Without Credit Checks: the “Barney Frank Housing Bubble”.

Even our porous borders are more pressing than health insurance. The health care crisis is a manufactured one; now anyone who reads can become aware of that fact.

When this issue comes up in Congress, the ad Hominens from the Left will increase in volume, frequency and irascibility. It will be declared "racism" to deny the Most High Black his socialist whim. He is too black to fail.

1 comment:

Huggums said...

Perfect Storm: Too Black to Fail!

LOL I'm sorry it just sounds like an awesome movie title, but the way things are going, it looks like we won't have to see the sequel.

Too Black to Fail 2: Electric Boogaloo