Tuesday, November 24, 2009

AGW: Too Good...!

Now it turns out that a possible source of atmospheric change, SO2, could be tempering the warming effect. The rise in SO2 and the scrubbing of coal-fired plants to remove SO2 apparently correlates with the warming / cooling observations, according to this.

SO2 is a pollutant, which is being removed from emissions by hyper-expensive equipment mandated by the federal government enviro-nannies. Now it turns out that SO2 is likely to be a negative contributer to global warming. But SO2 is ignored in climate models apparently because the source and quantity is not easily predicted.

Apparently the alarmist climatologists acknowledge that SO2, frequently emitted in conjunction with CO2, nullifies, wholly or in part, any warming tendency associated with the CO2. What is the net effect? This is, obviously, an empirical, quantitative question. But these scientists can't answer it, not only because each of their models gives a different result, but because they have no idea how much SO2 is being emitted by the main countries that produce that pollutant, India and China.
As the revealed emails show, Dr. Phil Jones of the CRU is hell bent on proving warming, and really doesn't like the cooling spell. He writes to collegues Tim and Chris:

"I hope you're not right about the lack of warming lasting till about 2020...

But read the whole thing.

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