Sunday, December 6, 2009

Al Gore the Living Lesson

The reason that carbon credits and credit trading will not work is perfectly exemplified in the example of Al Gore. Al personally uses many times the amount of energy of an average American, causing extra CO2 emission. But Al is morally exonerated, because he bought some carbon credits from people who aren’t using them, i.e. the were not emitting their allotment of CO2.

The net result is that Al hasn’t reduced his emissions at all, and still causes more CO2 to enter the atmosphere than average Americans by a very large factor, and the sellers of the carbon credits still emit the same amount of CO2 also.

All that happened is that some money went from Al to the other guys. No change in the CO2 emission occurred.

The same thing will happen with Cap and Trade. Except it will go from frugal Red states, like mine, to profligate Blue states like California. It will cause job loss, higher energy prices (which affects primarily the poor and the elderly), and higher taxes. It will not affect CO2 emissions.

What a Lefist boon it will be to punish Red states and reward Blue states, merely by passing a faux Anthropological Global Warming Law.

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