Sunday, December 6, 2009

CRU: Hiding the Decline

The CRU “trick” to “hide the decline” is explained now by Marc Sheppard at American As might be suspected, the "decline" in question does turn out to be the proxy decline during the late 1990’s and 2000’s, but possibly not in fashion one might suspect.

What happened is that the proxy temperatures did not match the measured temperatures for the last few decades. The proxy record is used as a substitute for actual measurements, which did not exist prior to approximately 1800. So tree rings and other records occurring naturally were “calibrated” for use as substitutes for making historical records further back than 1800. These are called proxies, and they are absolutely necessary for proving that warming is man-made.

The problem that arose was this: the proxies did not work on the up side of 1980; they failed to match the temperature records made with recording devices after 1980. Now one might think that this would invalidate the proxies as being predictive, when they don’t even match modern records – and one would be right. Unless one works at the CRU.

Jones et. al. at the CRU used a “trick” to avoid acknowledging the severe discrepancy between data types, proxy vs. modern measurement. It worked like this: at some point on the curve, the later data from proxies ceases to exist on the graph. It is gone, purged. This leaves the measured data as the sole indicator to the eye of the observer.

The other problem that the CRU protagonists had is that the Medieval Warming Period and Little Ice Age data from the proxies rendered the modern temperature rise less than marginally interesting. So the CRU crew attacked both the MWP and the LIA, ultimately removing them altogether from their data.

This makes two manipulations that were made precisely to force the false appearance of an extra high temperature for the last century. It was totally fabricated.

Sheppard provides a graph from a previously released data set at NOAA, by Anders Mosberg of Stockholm University. Mosberg took proxy data from tree rings, lake and ocean sediments, which is claimed to agree well with borehole measurements, and which shows that the MWP and LIA definitely exist. A graph is here:

So we have three things going on in the CRU story. First the millennial history is distorted by eliminating the highs and lows. Second, the modern history is distorted due to sloppy science techniques with regard to measured data gathering and management. Third, the actual modern temperature trend as indicated by the proxy has been deliberately purged, even though it matches the trends we all see today: no warming increase.

And imagine that the last several decades actually decline, according to the proxies! The devastation to the AGW cash cow is obvious.

Here is the hocky stick curve. Notice that the proxies end in 1980. Notice that the MWP and TIA are missing altogether. Notice that the measured temperatures rise drastically.

This adds up to motive, opportunity, and hard evidence. Ignorance won't suffice as an excuse (after all they are the experts we are supposed to trust). We have been aware of heat dome and calibration faults in land based stations for years. The AGW and LIA are confirmed by proxy data. The hockey stick curve is a blatant manipulation in order to preserve an opinion; it is false, fraudulent, and it is not science.

The real question now is whether the science community will rally around the grail of objective science, or whether it will commit slow suicide by protecting falseness and its perpetrators. Apparently Scientific American has already chosen the latter route.


Martin said...

Yet again, I must quote Godfather III: "Just when I thought I was out, you pull me back in..."

P1. The divergence of some northern latitude tree rings from the instrumental record after 1960 is well known and has been openly discussed for almost ten years (IPCC AR4 page 473)

P2. K. Briffa did not use tree ring proxies in reconstructing past climate after 1960, as was openly discussed in the 2007 IPCC AR4: "Briffa et al. (2001) specifically excluded the post-1960 data in their calibration against instrumental records, to avoid biasing the estimation of the earlier reconstructions (hence they are not shown in Figure 6.10), implicitly assuming that the ‘divergence’ was a uniquely recent phenomenon, as has also been argued by Cook et al. (2004a)." (IPCC AR4 page 473)

P3. Also openly discussed was the possibility that, because of the divergence problem, tree rings may not be an accurate measure of paleoclimate: "Others, however, argue for a breakdown in the assumed linear tree growth response to continued warming, invoking a possible threshold exceedance beyond which moisture stress now limits further growth (D’Arrigo et al., 2004). If true, this would imply a similar limit on the potential to reconstruct possible warm periods in earlier times at such sites." (IPCC AR4 page 473)

C. Therefore, "hide the decline" is not evidence of scientific fraud and the use of this technique has been in the publicly available AR4 since at least 2007.

Stan said...

Some tree ring data, such as the Yamal data, were retracted when the cherry picking fraud became too well known to ignore. Much of the other data is still secret and no judgement can be made, except via inference (your favorite).

If tree ring data, AND other proxies such as lake and ocean sediments, as well as bore holes agree right up to 1980, yet disagree with the measured data, as far back as 1850, which is wrong? It is the measured data is being used to panic the world. Yet it is shown empirically to be erroneous in more than half the surface climated stations visited, on the side of measuring too high (demonstrable fact).

On TV tonight in honor of the Copenhagen world government meeting the networks went "Life or Death", with NBC using the term at least twice and the other two going underwater to show how Fiji and the Maldives will be covered with water.

The use of jury-rigged paleoclimate data for pre 1980, and then deleting it altogether for post 1980 because it contradicts in direction as well as quantity - is indeed fraud. Anyone who deals with data knows that.

"...implicitly assuming that the ‘divergence’ was a uniquely recent phenomenon, as has also been argued by Cook et al."

This is the mark of making excuses for severe data anomolies that are not understood and that the researcher wants to go away rather than understand. If there are recent anomolies using what they think are accurate comparison techniques to modern measurements, then there is every reason to believe that either (a) All of the paleodata is subject to inexplicable anomolies which are completely transparent to comparison with actual measurements, or (b) the "modern measurements are way off, or (c) both errors coexist. There is no intermediate choice here. One of the data types is in error. Using both of them on a chart intended to change humanity is FRAUD of the most egregious type.

"Others, however, argue for a breakdown in the assumed linear tree growth response to continued warming, invoking a possible threshold exceedance beyond which moisture stress now limits further growth (D’Arrigo et al., 2004). If true, this would imply a similar limit on the potential to reconstruct possible warm periods in earlier times at such sites."

Precisely the point. If the tree rings self limit, then the MWP might have been much warmer than rings show. However, other methods show it quite clearly.

What about the Little Ice Age? Why are they justified in removing all traces of any cyclic behavior whatsoever when it is clearly shown in sediments, cores, etc?

The real paleodata is probably more reliable than the surface data which is being used to strike panic into the hearts of those who rely on network news.

The fraud is abetted by true believers.

Stan said...

Some tree ring data, such as the Yamal data, were retracted when the cherry picking fraud became too well known to ignore. Much of the other data is still secret and no judgement can be made, except via inference (your favorite).

If tree ring data, AND other proxies such as lake and ocean sediments, as well as bore holes agree right up to 1980, yet disagree with the measured data, as far back as 1850, which is wrong? It is the measured data is being used to panic the world. Yet it is shown empirically to be erroneous in more than half the surface climated stations visited, on the side of measuring too high (demonstrable fact).

On TV tonight in honor of the Copenhagen world government meeting the networks went "Life or Death", with NBC using the term at least twice and the other two going underwater to show how Fiji and the Maldives will be covered with water.

The use of jury-rigged paleoclimate data for pre 1980, and then deleting it altogether for post 1980 because it contradicts in direction as well as quantity - is indeed fraud. Anyone who deals with data knows that.

"...implicitly assuming that the ‘divergence’ was a uniquely recent phenomenon, as has also been argued by Cook et al."

This is the mark of making excuses for severe data anomolies that are not understood and that the researcher wants to go away rather than understand. If there are recent anomolies using what they think are accurate comparison techniques to modern measurements, then there is every reason to believe that either (a) All of the paleodata is subject to inexplicable anomolies which are completely transparent to comparison with actual measurements, or (b) the "modern measurements are way off, or (c) both errors coexist. There is no intermediate choice here. One of the data types is in error. Using both of them on a chart intended to change humanity is FRAUD of the most egregious type.

"Others, however, argue for a breakdown in the assumed linear tree growth response to continued warming, invoking a possible threshold exceedance beyond which moisture stress now limits further growth (D’Arrigo et al., 2004). If true, this would imply a similar limit on the potential to reconstruct possible warm periods in earlier times at such sites."

Precisely the point. If the tree rings self limit, then the MWP might have been much warmer than rings show. However, other methods show it quite clearly.

What about the Little Ice Age? Why are they justified in removing all traces of any cyclic behavior whatsoever when it is clearly shown in sediments, cores, etc?

The real paleodata is probably more reliable than the surface data which is being used to strike panic into the hearts of those who rely on network news.

The fraud is abetted by true believers.

Martin said...


P1. The definition of "fraud" is, according to deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.

P2. The IPCC reported that a researcher did not use tree ring data past 1960 since it diverges from direct measurements, and that said researcher assumed that said divergence is unique to the 20th Century

P3. The IPCC also reported that some researchers agreed with this assessment, and some did not, and concluded that there is no agreement on this problem.

C. Therefore, as concerns the divergence problem, the climate community as represented by the IPCC did not engage in "deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage."

Instrumental Record Accuracy

P1. There exists four surface records and two satellite records, all of which are in agreement.

P2. It is unlikely that all of these independent data sets have the same errors or tampering issues.

C. Therefore, the surface record is accurate

Global warming

P1. CO2 is a greenhouse gas

P2. CO2 is increasing

P3. Total Solar Irradiance has been flat and even slightly declining since 1950 (solar irradiance)

P4. Temperatures have been rising since 1980 (1975 to 1980)

C. Therefore, CO2 is the most likely cause of warming since 1980

Finding flaws in hockey sticks, tree rings, Antarctic glacier growth, etc does not even address the basic premises of global warming.

Stan said...

Martin, you said,


I didn't mean to imply that the IPCC had engaged in fraud (in this case). It is the cartel that made the graphs in the first place.

The fact that such a graph even exists and was known throughout the community and was used by Jones to create a graph indicates that there was something to be gained by “hiding the decline”. Faking a graph is engaging in fraud.

Instrumental Record Accuracy

”P1. There exists four surface records and two satellite records, all of which are in agreement.”

I have to consider this false until it is proven true. The satellite data references are unusable since they do not define or quantize their parameters on the data log, nor in explanatory files; this is an unacceptable practice, one which excludes use by anyone except insiders. The surface records are demonstrably skewed by heat domes, etc. It is unlikely that the data actually matches.

Wikipedia is not an objective, unbiased source, and in this case its references fail to supply support for the conviction of its statements.

Global Warming

”P4. Temperatures have been rising since 1980 (1975 to 1980)

Same comments as above. Surface temps are demonstrably erroneous. Satellite data provided by the Wiki link is not usable.

”C. Therefore, CO2 is the most likely cause of warming since 1980”

Two problems:
a) non-instrument proxy data from many sources do not support this conclusion.

b) CO2 has a very low reflective coefficient, meaning that it does not reflect Infra Red (1mm to 750nm) wavelengths that are not 90 degrees incident. This allows transmission of IR to the lower atmosphere. However it also means that it does not reflect IR that comes upward from the earth, and transmits it on into space.

In fact, the reflectivity coefficient is 0.00000000083 at 1.77 um. In other words, 99.99999999917% of IR is transmitted into space, not reflected. This in no way squares with the concept that CO2 is a serious green house gas.

Try again, friend.