Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Democrats Are NOT Corrupt

One might be tempted to cringe at the bribe and payoff behavior of the Senate Democrats; at the bipartisan promises and closed door policies; at the demands for voting on an unread bill; at the unilateral and dicatatorial tactics of the Democrats in general. One might be tempted to cry corruption! Foul!

That would actually be wrong.

There is no corruption in a culture that doesn't acknowledge corruption's existence. In such a culture there is only success and failure. The ethic in such a culture is Consequentialism, the ethic of pragmatic Atheist Will To Power, the Nietzschean drive toward the singular objective of seizing more control over the "herd".

In Consequentialism, morality (that wicked absolute) is traded for a calculation of a cost/benefit ratio. And in order to be calculated, every entity, and everybody, must be given a value. This value is typically designated by evaluating the amount of contribution an entity would make toward the Objective, and the amount of investment already made in the entity.

For example, in the Emmanuel evaluation of humans for their "share" of health care, the elderly are significantly reduced in their ability to contribute, and receive less. And the infant has received less investment in its care and education than the 20 year old, so the infant receives less.

Similar calculations are made for organizations like ACORN, which also cannot be corrupt, and which has both significant invested and significant future potential to contribute.

Consequentialism is the ethic that Secularism forces to the surface when the need for an explanation of the ethical variety arises. Cost vs. benefit. It must cost the man to benefit men. It is the practical side of Atheist Humanism.

Yet in real life Consequentialism is just an intellectual cover for the Nietzschean power grab it is intended to camoflage. The real ethic is to do anything and everything that it takes in order to extend power over the herd. This is the ethic within which there is no such thing as corruption, at least in the traditional sense. It is possible, in fact, for the Consequentialist/Nietzschean to view resistance to the Will To Power as corrupt, itself. But that is outside the ethic; within the ethic there is no possible action that can be considered corrupt, so long as it furthers the Will To Power. See Alinsky, Rules For Radicals, page 26.

It is not possible for me to view the government of the USA without considering the fact that these people do not consider themselves corrupt. They are merely doing what the Atheist Dictators and Radicals and wannabes have always done. They are being Consequentialist Will To Power brokers.

The reason that logic and evidence doesn't work with these individuals is that they are not motivated by such things. In fact, logic and evidence merely get in the way of the final Consequentialist objective, which in this case is not healthcare, it the assumption of power over a huge bloc of the private sector, the increase of victimology in the USA lower class, and the march toward fully institutionalizing eugenics (currently limited to unborn humans). That's why they are unmoved by fiscal policy faliures, deficits, spending limits, the poor performance of similar health care systems in other countries: that is not the goal, or even the issue: it is just the red herring.

With the dominance of Consequentialist Nietzscheism in the US government, where will this nation be in a decade? In ten decades? The slope has been greased with taxpayer $.

Having paid each other off with billions and billions of USD, the Democrats are on the brink of success in their Consequentialist endeavor. They should be congratulated on their success. Congratulations. What's next?


Whateverman said...

You know, using the terms Consequentialism and atheism in the same paragraph does not an association make. I find your assessment of the philosophy here to be a bit heated but sound.

I find a complete lack of evidence that this ideology is related to the democratic party or atheism, however. Don't talk to me about consequentialism; show me that it's specifically characteristic of atheism and the Democratic party, and that other demographics lack this same trait.

I'm willing to bet that you're unable to do so.

Stan said...

Thanks for your comment.

Consequentialism, like all systems of behavior, is revealed by the actions of its adherents. I did not say that Consequentialism is the sole ownership of anyone; I said that the Democrats are behaving well within the Consequentialist paradigm, one wherein the objective justifies any behavior - including vote buying and sacrificing of principles in order to be bought - which is the behavior seen in the current Democrat congress. I also said that they do not consider that behavior to be corrupt because it falls within their ethic, which is Consequentialist.

I repeat that Consequentialism rises to the surface when other moralities are rejected. It gives the appearance of rationality (cost vs. benefit) while rejecting the value of ALL humans in favor of devaluing certain classes of humans (such as developmentally immature: fetuses). Human devaluation by class is not a policy of Christ. It is somewhat a policy of Islam. It is somewhat a policy of Hinduism. It is definitely a policy of Atheists who are pressed into forming an "ethical" decision. It is easily seen in the "false dichotomies" which are designed to force a valuation onto certain individuals or groups of individuals in order to "save" the most valued individuals.

Anyone can fall into Consequentialism. Atheists are the most vulnerable, however, having no meta-ethic to fall back on.

I hope this answers your question; if not let me know and I'll try again.