Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Obama Silently Signs USA Away

Obama has signed an executive order placing the USA under the policing control of Interpol, complete with extra-constitutional guarantees of avoidance of Freedom of Information Requests or searches of assets or archives. Interpol was once restricted to American Constitutional restrictions under an executive order by Ronald Reagan. That is the order that Obama amended, reversing restrictions on the international police force.

Unrestrained policing by an international force is a major blow to American sovereignty. Obama has long declared that American "exceptionalism" is a myth, one to be abhored: America is just another country. There is no longer any reasonable doubt that Obama intends to make this so. He has already placed much of the American economic system under the aegis of the Group of Twenty (or was it the Group of Twelve? Fourteen? Ten?) by signing agreements that give the group the power to police American Corporations.

In terms of transferring American sovereignty to foreign agents, the Obama administration has had quite a year.

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