Friday, March 19, 2010

America, Land of the Triumvirate

If "Deem & Pass" is deemed a legitimate process, unassailable by the scrutiny of any court, then the USA is ruled by a triumvirate - a threesome of amoral, power hungry socialists.

Deem & Pass is the notion that a bill may be sent to the president with the understanding that it is "deemed" to have have been passed by the leaders of both houses. This notion is being considered by Reid and Pelosi to mean that they, personally, may send anything they wish to the president merely by deeming it. This allows them to circumvent the pesky voting process.

If successful, it means that laws can be formulated and passed by the actions of only three people; dissenting opinions need not be considered; congress itself could be disbanded and the three in the triumvirate would be able to do as they wish.

If, as is feared, the Supreme Court will be packed with Leftists and Far Leftists by the president (and possibly deemed by the two other triumvirateers), there will be no non-violent recourse available to the people short of periodic elections, and with the possibility of fresh gerrymandering, even those might be rendered harmless to at least two of the three for several very uncomfortable years.

The Land of the Free is being stolen before our eyes.

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