Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Question For Readers

I am looking for the top Atheist objections to, or arguments against, the existence of a Deity.

Would you please give me a list of the Atheist arguments that you think are either used the most often, or are the most convincing? (It need not be twenty, of course.)

I thank you in advance,



Anonymous said...

As far as ojbections to the moral argument for God given by a Christian or Jew , I often hear atheists saying there is nothing a Christian would not do that God commanded such as sacrificing your son (Gen 22) where as an Aheist has "Moral standards" therefore Athiesm allows people to actually be Moral !

sonic said...

The big 4--
1) Who created the creator?
2) A real God wouldn't allow evil
3) People believe in false gods (thor) so all gods are false
4) Where is the evidence?

Kip the Dip said...

Here are a few I find particularly strong:

1) The Argument from Evil, of course. Why would an all good God create the concept of evil that He so hates? A good tree cannot bear bad fruit. (Matthew 7:18)

2) Related to the above, The Argument from Poor Design, or "Unintelligent Design". The universe has intristic flaws to it, leaving us to assume it has no Perfect Designer to it.

3) Omnipotent paradox. The old childhood question, "Could God create a rock so heavy not even He could lift it?" Could God's infinite power go against itself if He so chose? Is God alogical?

4) Omniscience paradox. If we assume God knows everything, including the future, we have no free will. Though not necessarily an argument against God's existence, it is the root of Calvinist predestination doctrine. You, however, have criticized determinism in your writings.

5) The Argument from Nonbelief. If the one true God desires everyone to follow Him (1 Timothy 2:4), one would expect Him to do a better job than this.

6) The Argument from God's Complexity, or Richard Dawkins' Ultimate Boeing 747 gambit. If the universe is so complex it needs a Creator, than shouldn't God be infinitely more complex? (A more sophisticated variation of "Who made God?")

7) Argument from God's Perfection. If God is perfect, without any needs, why even create a universe?

Notice that most of these focus on the popular Judeo-Christian concept of God. It is possible a simplistic God exists that doesn't feature these attribute and/or doesn't care about Its Creation, but there would be no point in believing in It.

Stan said...

Great selections! Please, keep 'em coming!