Monday, April 19, 2010

Anti-Semitism and the Left

Anti-Semitism is coming more and more to the fore in Leftist activism, having been increasingly enabled by Obama’s own coldness to Israel and pusillanimous approaches to a violent Gaza and a nuclear Iran, while bowing to every Muslim potentate that he sees. The Left has a designated week called “Israeli Apartheid Week”, to punish Israel for a crime it does not commit: Apartheid. Israel is home to Arabs as well as Jews.

It is the Iranian-supported Muslim Palestinians, of course, who will not tolerate non-Muslims, who have vowed to eradicate Israel and all Jews, who use Hudna to restock their rocket and arms supplies, not to establish any sort of peaceful coexistence. Have they shown any indication of being a peaceable neighbor, one with which any sane non-Muslim nation would want to have open borders?

Every non-Muslim nation with a sizable Muslim sub-population can now attest to the quality of freedom in dealing with this demographic. Islam, per the Qur’an, is not tolerant…. period. This places them in the position of being able to corrupt the laws of tolerance, and to abuse their critics and expand their power, as is the focus of Canadian tribunals. If that fails, riots erupt, as Europe can attest.

Why is the Left so enamored of such behavior? As Goldberg, Sowell and many others have shown, the Left is the repository of modern fascism. And the religious form of fascism is Islam, a fact noted even by Leftist Atheist Onfrey. The Palestians have undeniable historic ties to Hitler and National Socialist fascism.

As direct and undeniable as these links to fascism seem to be, the Left brazenly charges Israel with the very crimes it wants to commit:
”As Jonathan Tobin points out, the official goal of the Middle East "peace process" is a "two-state solution", in one of which Muslims live alongside Jews and have voting rights and representation in the legislature, while in the other there are no Jews at all and, as in "moderate" Jordan, to sell your house to a Jew is a crime punishable by death. There goes the neighborhood, right? When the western campus left holds its annual "Israeli Apartheid Week", presumably it's in philosophical support of the notion that you don't need to run an "apartheid" system if you just get rid of everyone who's not like you.

If Muslims are so revolted by Jews that they cannot tolerate any living among them, well, they're free to believe what they want. What is less understandable is the present position of the United States government. The President and his Secretary of State have made it very clear that they regard a few dozen housing units in Jerusalem as a far greater threat to Middle East peace than the Iranian nuclear program. Why is it in the interest of the United States to validate, enthusiastically, the most explicit and crudest bigotry of the Palestinian "cause"?”
It is not the in the interest of the United States of course, it is in the interest of the Leftist socialist manipulators working feverishly to demolish Western institutions that promote bottom-up control of government. Israel qualifies for demolition. Along with all Western democracies, also under attack.
The Left will come to regret its intransigence (Dawkins already is on that path it appears). The reason is that the socialist Left will be surprised that it is not in charge after the dust of the demolition of Western culture clears. Ayatollahs will be. And a Leftist socialista is just another infidel.

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