Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Humanist Manifesto for the Honest Intellect

Whereas the previous three Humanist Manifestos became increasingly obscure and obtuse, with obeisance to the times in which they were written;

Whereas the previous three Humanist Manifestos became increasingly less intellectually honest in presenting a necessary and moral program for the Benefit For All Mankind;

Whereas the previous three Humanist Manifestos became increasingly less pointed and direct in dealing with the place of the individual human within the Whole Of Mankind;

A Fourth Humanist Manifesto Composed For the Benefit Of All Mankind is herewith presented, in order to clarify previous obscurities:

1. There is no God, nor deity of any description.

2. The physical universe is the totality of existence.

3. The physical universe is hung on a scaffold of space and time, and every instant of time finds a new universe with every particle and every field having changed from the previous instant; therefore there is no absolute constant in the universe, specifically no absolute Truth [1].

Man is a derivative of the physical universe. It follows that man’s faculties are also physical derivatives. Clarity of thought requires rejecting the ephemeral mental constructs such as self, consciousness, conscience, personal agency, all of which are illusions or delusions.

4. Conscience, especially, is a fleeting mental process of “seeming”, the same type of false construct as self, intentionality, etc; Seeming is not the same as being, it is a construct which exists only for the current instant and it is an illusion, not a physical reality. Therefore the derivative of conscience – morality – is also an illusion, not a physical reality.

There are, then, no morals other than those described herein, which are derived from rational objectives for the Benefit of Mankind, those being derived by the higher intellects of humanity: we Humanists. The Benefit of All Mankind is too important to leave to lesser intellects which are hampered by conscience and moral constructs that describe and prescribe only personal behaviors and personal responsibilities, while ignoring prescriptions for Mankind As A Whole.

5. Any rationalized morality must be first associated with objectives for All Mankind; only then can the moral paradigm be retrofit with actions necessary to accomplish the objectives. Any and all actions that produce positive progress toward objectives for All Mankind are tautologically moral; there are no other morals. It is thus immoral to ignore any action that could produce positive progress toward objectives for All Mankind.

6. Humans are derived from an ancestor lower than the chimpanzee; Most mental functioning of humans remains hunter-gatherer in nature. Few humans have the intellectual capability to realize the truth of Humanism. For this reason, Humanists are bound by the duty to manage the affairs of humanity as a whole, for the benefit of Mankind As A Whole.

7. It follows that every human must focus only on humanity as a whole. No human should focus on self, because self is not only an illusion, self-focus is a deviant behavior that neglects Mankind As A Whole, and is therefore amoral, if not immoral. Therefore all human institutions that focus on self, conscience, etc. must be abandoned or ceded to Humanist control, and then replaced with institutions that focus on Humanity As A Whole, starting with focusing on certain special demographic segments, including Humanists and their supporters (typically legal groupings of designated victims), which must be given higher priority than the whole.

8. The above objectives, being favorable to Mankind As A Whole, must be accomplished by the pragmatics of using any techniques which are functionally successful; not using any technique that might produce success is not moral.

9. The implementation of these techniques will produce a New Man, one that is focused no longer on selfish wants, one that is focused only on All Of Mankind, at the personal cost of self-sacrifice, even to the point of starvation and death, as this is the highest calling possible for individual human units. The New Man will evolve from the best of the best of humans: the Humanists. The New Man will very likely evolve away from the remaining mass of humans, and replace humans as the superior species on the planet. Humans should be prepared for this eventuality and gradually habituated to their new subordinate role. The resulting population of humans will likely need adjusting for balance and size, including the control of subpopulations, according to the needs of Mankind as a Whole.

10. We Atheist Humanists agree that it is our responsibility as public intellectuals and morally enlightened, elite, intelligentsia to oversee the accomplishment of these objectives for the Benefit Of All Mankind. We shall work diligently to collapse the current institutions using whatever techniques are available, including working from within to weaken the ability of the institutions to perform their stated functions, and in the ensuing cultural and economic chaos of institutional collapse we shall prevail with the creation of proper institutions for the control of all social and economic factors for the direct BENEFIT OF ALL MANKIND.

[1] For perfect clarity, this particular statement is, in fact, absolutely True, however.

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