Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Quote of the Day, Maybe the Year; 4.20.2010

Maxine Waters shows her stuff.


Martin said...

"Young people grew up in a post-Soviet world. When they hear 'socialism,' they think Scandinavia, not Russia...if conservatives can’t wean themselves off of Cold-War-era rhetoric, they risk alienating an entire generation of young people."

To young voters, socialism isn’t a bad word

Stan said...

Which merely means that education truly has been corrupted. Not to know what happened in the last 100 years is inexcusable. Not to teach it is corruption.

Ken said...

Keep up the good work and the God work!

Huggums said...

You know what really disgusts me? It's not even that they advocate socialism or Marxism. If that was all, I'd just say they were wrong or mistaken. It's the fact that they deliberately try to subvert our government and make people comply to their point of view through false pretenses. I could at least respect her if she openly advocated socialism and tried to convince people through rational debate that it is good. We have a Socialist party that does that, but they want to do it secretly under the overweening assumption that they know better than we do and we're too stupid to figure it out in time to save ourselves.

Stan said...

Huggums: Agreed!