Sunday, May 16, 2010

PZ Watch 05.16.10

In what must certainly foretell the impending end of the world, I agree with most of PZ’s posts today. In fact I will ignore the usual output he produces, and I will highlight my areas of agreement.

First, if the McCain – Lieberman bill says what it is purported to say ( and it might not, of course, the Arizona Illegal Aliens Law did not), then I am in agreement that the president must not have the power to declare the rights removed without any judicial recourse or presumption of innocence from U.S. citizens based purely on accusations or “fears”. No government, ever, should be trusted with such power over individual citizens. That said, I suspect that PZ and others might be OK with it if it applied to Rush Limbaugh.

Second, Muslims must not be given any sympathy in their war on cartoonists and others who exercise free speech. None whatsoever. The attacks on the persons, families and possessions of non-Muslims are just what PZ claims: acts of barbarism.

Third, I agree that PZ probably really is in Minneapolis this afternoon.

Other’n that, though….

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