Saturday, May 15, 2010

PZ Watch 5 15 10

Today’s Ad Hominems:
Father Barron is a “smug prick”. A “pompous fraud”. A “fool”. A “stuffy old gomer” [simpleton, fool, dolt; Webster’s Unabridged].
”…the crazy complaint that the New Atheists aren't serious enough, that they're playing at atheism, because they just don't express the existential anguish that apostates are expected to feel.”
Of course PZ never seriously, intellectually defends Atheism, he screeches it using all manner of Ad Hominems rather than any conceivable intellect. This is what satisfies the particular demographic which he serves: the unthoughtful, smug-yet-cowardly bullies who have found an apologist for their two-year-old anti-authoritarian behavior. Strings of tantrums do not produce an argument, certainly not an argument worthy of a considered response. But that is not the goal of PZ-ism.

The PZ space corresponds to the playground bullies who hang around under the slide, deriding and bullying everyone who comes along who is not-one-of-them. It is a group exclusive to a certain type of bully, the anti-religious snorter, and it is formed around exclusion and anti-tolerance, i.e. discrimination in the true sense of hateful, category-aimed derogatory rhetoric. In this sense it is not dissimilar to anti-Semitic postings of white supremacists and other fascists. The weapons of the PZ-ites do not include rational analysis – despite the empty claim attempting to associate their attitude (of which they are quite proud) with intellect (of which none is apparent).

The presuppositions are as clear and blindly accepted as axiomatic truths: Science produces truth, as is shown in global warming; evolution is proved by the fact that we exist and have similar stuff in us as other living things; gay marriage by (their) definition of inclusion is goood; illegal immigrants by (their) definition of inclusion are goood. These are stated and known truths, inarguable absolutes. After denying absolutes, others such as these come and go as required.

But PZ is more than just that. He has insisted that Obama is too conservative, and that Democrats are, too, most of them. And PZ, like most New Atheists, is a Humanist.

When PZ stakes a claim on fulfillment, truth, goodness, and justice, one has no idea what he means by those things, unless one understands both Humanism and PZ’s methodological approach to obtaining it.

Humanism is understood best by examining actual humanist experiments and the humanists who perpetrated them. Couched in terms like “New Man” and Consequentialism, and “egalite’, fraternite’ et liberte’”, the implementation of Humanism on the ground, in real life, was to create a bloodbath of the opposition leaving only cowards and true believers behind because they were easier to deal with. Humanist heros of yore are Robespierre, Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Che, Castro, Pol Pot, etc. etc. This is the legacy of Humanism, a belief system to which PZ and the New Atheists belong and promote. Humanism is first of all a war on its own people, at least its own people which it sees a threat: it is the us vs. them of the Red Army vs. the White Army and the need to eliminate suspicious ethnic groups altogether by starvation or, if necessary, direct murder. Victims of Humanism numbered around 250,000,000, in the 20th century, the century of scientific and technological progress. That is the cost of the highly vaunted sacrifice of self for humanity as a whole - the "love" of the group, but not the individuals. Individuals are disposable.

For the moment, PZ is a bag of toxic gas and little more. But due to the aspirations of his chosen ethic, as well as his highly intolerant and hateful behaviors (and sizable following), PZ and all the New Atheists merit close watching. Just as the toxic fumes from Nietzsche have fueled Humanists in the past century even well after his own death, the Humanist toxicity can remain embedded in others, producing nasty outcomes.


DM said...

the writing on the wall...

you have FORFEIT your lives...

for the idiot called *

f*ck you very much!


see, you degenerates have last names like first names...

how about I believe in WHATEVER I want - even in the FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER! - and you have nothing to say!

let me show you the end results of this particular *ONE-DIMENSIONAL SCIENTIFIC MODE*
of thinking that is called *CRITICAL THINKING*, which is completely divorced from
any human objectives...

this style has been perfected by dawkins, pz, randi and the other *NEW ATHEISTS*

see how we take a term and convert it into its AUTHENTIC POLITICAL DIMENSION - THAT
OF LIBERATION - not just merely harmless expression...


Stan said...

You have said nothing worth responding to. Do you have a comment or question?

Martin said...

"Science produces truth...These are stated and known truths, inarguable absolutes."

I would disagree with this.

I don't think they would say that science is giving them absolutes. Feynman likened science to being able to observe one corner of a game of chess without knowing the rules. After a long time of observation, you can get a good idea of what's going on, but at any time you might find something that contradicts it and you'll have to reformulate. I think PZers would agree with this.

What PZ's crowd does practice is scientism. The belief that science is the only tool that can tell you anything about the world. This is clearly false.

Stan said...

Stan said,
"Science produces truth...These are stated and known truths, inarguable absolutes."

I make this statement based on behavior of the followers of PZ, his acolytes. Any attempt to discuss the contrary to their truths is quashed vigorously. If they don't consider them inarguable and absolute, their behavior does not reflect that.

Stan said...

I should also say that Feynman was not one of them, and I doubt that he would be today. For example, he explored out-of-body experiences for himself in sensory deprivation tank sessions, an acknowledgement of his consideration of subjective empiricism as a valid pursuit of information.