Monday, May 10, 2010

Quote of the Day 05.10.10

At this point, I think the best we can say is this: the federal government is desperate for cash, and the biggest untapped source of wealth is the hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars that Americans who are now nearing retirement age have saved over their lifetimes. I don't doubt for an instant that the Obama administration would like to get its hands on this money, which would go a long way toward resolving the current government debt crisis. An obvious way of doing so is to take the money now, in exchange for a promise to pay an "annuity" later. The bottom line is that, given what we know about the Obama administration's rapacious appetite for swallowing up private wealth, anyone who has savings should be vigilant.

Power line blog

1 comment:

Ken said...

This may be a fun quote of the day,

"…only by recognising the death of God can we possibly…behave properly to our fellow humans and perhaps save the planet…"

--Michael Ruse; The Guardian, “What can Darwin teach us about morality?”