Saturday, May 8, 2010

Stem Cells for Parkinson’s

More success with ADULT stem cells:
"Stem cells derived from the endometrium (uterine lining) and transplanted into the brains of laboratory mice with Parkinson's disease appear to restore functioning of brain cells damaged by the disease, according to a new study by Yale School of Medicine researchers.

"The findings are published in the Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. Although these are preliminary results, the findings increase the likelihood that endometrial tissue could be harvested from women with Parkinson's disease and used to re-grow brain areas that have been damaged by the disease, according to lead author Hugh S. Taylor, M.D., professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences at Yale School of Medicine, and section chief of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Yale School of Medicine.

"Because of their ability to divide into new cell types, stem cells could be the key to treating many different kinds of diseases, like Parkinson's, in which the body's own cells are damaged or depleted. Parkinson's is caused by a breakdown of dopamine-producing nerve cells in the brain stem. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that stimulates the motor neurons that in turn control muscles. When dopamine production is reduced, the nerves are not able to control movement or maintain coordination.

"In their study, Taylor and his colleagues collected and cultured endometrial tissue from nine women, and verified that they could be transformed into dopamine-producing nerve cells like those in the brain."

Michael J. Fox came to my state and spent $ millions on lobbying for embryonic stem cell research approval at the polls. The campaign was deceptive, never referring to the killing of human embryos for research, and it was expensive. It seems ironic that Fox's Parkinson's might some day be cured by non-embryonic stem cells instead. Admittedly, this advance is for women; perhaps it will be expanded somehow soon for men. I wish Fox well, and I hope for continued advances of this sort in all diseases. But there is still no news from the highly touted and extremely expensive embryonic stem cell quarter.

1 comment:

Stan said...

For once, I am ... speechless.