Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Death of Exceptionalism

Perhaps they are right. The American experiment is so easily brought down that it actually was not exceptional at all. Maybe it was at one time. Like when it fought two simultaneous wars against two fascist aggressors, and won. Or when it met the soviet challenge, and won.

But those abilities are gone, long gone. Now our own government cannot seal our own border. Rather, it wishes to control us. It now passes two kinds of laws, those to spend more money, and those to clamp down on our freedoms.

All it took was a long Hegelian march to the Left, one that promised more and more entitlements – read “sending my money to those guys” – to more and more non-producers. The crises thus created have burst one by one, and now with the government’s full assistance we are in a depression, accompanied by massive and exponentially growing debt. The U.S. Congress has decided not to even produce a budget this year; too much trouble for a meaningless document.

The three alternatives for our fiscal future, forfeiture, inflation, taxation, are all possible, but maybe only serially as they fail, one by one. Taxation is being increased selectively, now it is banks being taxed more heavily, and that taxation will escalate but fail to produce the trillions in revenue needed. Then inflation will be fired up to reduce the actual value of the trillions owed. Only after that fails, and brings on the massive social discomfort and unrest that hyper-inflation always produces, will forfeiture be exercised. Forfeiture will produce international enmity and increased tensions with China, which is arming itself at a magnificent rate right now.

It is forecasted that by mid-century the USA will be dominated by minorities, meaning non-whites. How many of these accept the values that created a free and strong USA is not known. But it was the minority vote that handed the country over to an unknown and unknowable pretercommunist in 2008. The future, even if it is temporarily in the hands of the Republican limp rags, is decidedly on the side of permanent social discomfiture and reduced standards of living. The exceptionalism of the USA is being destroyed in favor of punishment of its citizens and wealth producers, on the track to third world status and permanent peasantry.

On our current path, a permanent peasantry under a class of elitists looks imminent. In fact we are almost there, at least we are in the third act. Living as a peasant, possibly under Sharia, is not a desirable outcome. But even Rome fell to its excesses and barbarian incursions. In our case, the barbarians are running the show.

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